
WYSIWYG, the acronym for the English expression "What You See Is What You Get", refers to something like "What you see is what you will get". In practice, it means the a…

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Multitenancy refers to a software architecture principle in which a single instance of the software runs on a server, serving several client-organizations (tenants).

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The Foundation is a cross-device CSS structure, maintained by ZURB, for the construction of prototypes and production code.

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The AES (Advanced Encryption Standard ) or Advanced Encryption Standard, also known as Rijndael, is a block cipher adopted as the encryption standard by the United State…

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Middleware or mediator, in the field of distributed computing, is a computer program that mediates between software and other applications. It is used to move or transpo…

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Guzzle is an HTTP PHP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests for trivial integration with web services. If the question is not about "Guzzle", do not use this t…

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For questions involving factorial (denoted by n!), the product of consecutive integers from one to an integer n, and its applications in programming.

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Use this tag for specific questions about version 5 of Angular, Google’s web framework. Use the [angular] tag for any question about Angular that is not specific to an i…

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JEE (Java EE or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a programming platform for servers in the Java programming language.

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This tag is NOT synonymous with the [javascript] tag and should NOT be used when the question is about technical usage problems (difficulties) or third party libraries, …

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The heap is the appropriate memory location to allocate many large objects, as this section of the program is much larger than the stack, and its size is limited only by…

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Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, and relative position of figures and the properties of space. If the question is not about "…

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bcrypt is a hash-like encryption method for passwords based on Blowfish. It was created by Niels Provos and David Mazières and presented at the USENIX conference in 1999…

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A display (or display) is a visual or tactile display device acquired, stored or transmitted in various forms.

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It is a line-by-line language and its main purpose is to make Shell scripts in Unix/Linux more powerful and with many more features without using many command lines (can…

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