
21 questions

Use this tag if your question is related to the PHP Yii2 framework.

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Sencha Ext JS is a Javascript framework for building Rich Internet Applications (Rias) that run on web browsers.

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Informix is a RDBMS is owned by IBM. However, it has a range of development products that are part of the Informix family. RDBMS has hybridized capability of OLTP and …

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Use this tag in questions about the design of new programming languages (general-purpose, domain-specific - DSL, data exchange, etc.). See also the compiler-project tag.…

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For geographic location, use the "geolocation" tag. Localization, or L10n, is the process of adapting internationalized software to a specific region or language by addi…

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an information system that integrates all data and processes of an organization into one.

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Websql is an API designed to support an efficient form of storage and handling of data as an SQL database on the client side, through the browser. However due to specifi…

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Use this tag for questions involving 3-dimensional graphics.

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RSA is a data encryption algorithm

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Served Web - Equipment where web pages are hosted.

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Barcode is a graphical representation of numerical or alphanumeric data. The echodification (reading) of the data is performed by a type of scanner, which emits a red ra…

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Internationalization and localization, in computer science, are processes of development and/or adaptation of a product, in general computer software, to a language and …

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There is a dependency between two elements if changing to the definition of one element can cause changes to the other.

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DB2 is a Relational Database Management System (SGDBR) produced by IBM. There are different versions of DB2 that run from a single handheld computer to powerful mainfram…

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Kenel is the core component of the operating system of most computers; it serves as a bridge between applications and actual hardware-level data processing. Core respons…

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GD is an open source library for dynamic image creation by programmers. GD is written in C, and "Wrappers" are available for Perl, PHP and other languages. GD creates PN…

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Android SDK is the Android software development kit made available by google. It provides the tools and libraries needed to create Android applications. If the doubt…

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Joptionpane is a standard and simple dialog window class of swing, which can ask users for a value or inform them of something.

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