
Mint refers to the Linux distribution, which has two versions: one based on Debian and the other on Ubuntu.

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Use this tag for questions about Xamarin.iOS, which enables you to develop iOS-native mobile applications using C# in Mono. Ideally a specific framework/product tag shou…

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Jackson is a JSON analyzer, serializer and desirializer maintained by Fasterxml, LLC.

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Javamail is a Java API used to send and receive emails via SMTP, POP3 and IMAP. Javamail is built on the Java EE platform, but also offers an optional package for use in…

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Fancybox is a derivative of the lightbox that is an effect used in HTML to display content in evidence, placing them superimposed on the page in a normally centralized w…

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A histogram is a graphical representation of counting data that visually illustrates its distribution.

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Requirejs is a library for loading Javascript files on both the client and server side, asynchronously known as AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition, Asynchronous Module …

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This is Facebook SDK support via Javascript. According to Facebook, this is a powerful client-side feature set for adding Social Plugins, Facebook Login and Graph API ca…

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It refers to the clipboard. When we copy a file or text, and then paste it somewhere, a part of the memory is used to store the copy reference or the copied object.

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In prototypic inheritance, the prototype (prototype) of an object is the basis that provides the initial properties and methods of an object, before it adds its own and …

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Javabeans are software components written in the Java programming language as a Java class that exposes properties, following a simple Nomeclatura convention for getter …

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Onesignal is a free tool for sending notifications to different platforms.

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Wampserver is a software published under the GNU General Public License developed by PHP Team, which is used to install and manage PHP 5, Mysql and Apache, providing sup…

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Totalcross is a mobile development platform designed to help build mobile applications with the JAVA language and features portability to devices such as iPhone, Android…

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QML (Qt Meta-object Language) is a declarative language designed to describe the user interface of an application using Qtquick technology.

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For HTML, tables are used to display tabular data.

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Use the tag for serial port communication programming. Hardware issues are outside the scope of the site. The serial interface or serial port, also known as RS-232, is a…

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Use this tag for questions about Mono, which enables application development for Mac OS X, Unix, Linux and other platforms using C#. Ideally a specific framework/product…

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Lazy Loading is a design standard used in programming to delay the initialization of an object to the point where it is needed. May contribute to the efficiency of the p…

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Screen resolution represents the maximum number of pixels the screen can display, i.e., describes the level of detail that an image carries.

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