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Textarea is an html tag that allows the user to type text in multiple lines.

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Semantics is the study of meaning. Focuses on the relationship between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs and symbols, and what they represent, their denotation.

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Design standard that aims to establish a clear separation of responsibilities and make a WPF/Silverlight application easier to maintain. Known as the MVP specialisation.

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Active Record is a Pattern design for Orms (Object-Relational Mappers). The most popular implementation is the default Ruby on Rails web framework ORM.

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Framework to assist in secure and automated mapping, without convention-based XML for Nhibernate

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Dev-C++ is a free integrated development environment that uses the compilers of the GNU project to support C and C programming languages++

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Volley is an android library implemented by Google that facilitates programming of networked applications. It is reference for REST calls. Use this tag for questions rel…

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Actionscript 3 is the third version of Actionscript, an object-oriented scripting language based on Ecmascript, used primarily for building RIA applications.

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Vraptor is a web MVC framework for agile development with JAVA created in 2003 at IME-USP, currently maintained by Caelum and several developers from other companies.

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Codeblocks is an integrated multi-platform open source development environment. It is being developed in C++, using wxWidgets. Its architecture is plugin oriented, so th…

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It is a continuous integration server

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HTML5 audio element defined by W3C as Web Audio API and supported by all modern browsers.

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PHP function for string matches using Regular Expressions (Regex). Use this tag when the doubt is related to the use of the function and its parameters.

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Material design, introduced with the Lollipop version (Android 5.0 - API 21), is a comprehensive guide to visual, motion and interaction design for various platforms and…

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Intel® XDK is an HTML5-based hybrid web application development tool.

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Gitlab is an open source Git repository manager with a tracking system for issues and Continuous Integration/ Continuous Distribution features.

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Laravel is an open-source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP. Prefer the Laravel-5 tag if you are not dealing with an exclusive Laravel 5.4 …

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Firedac is a Universal Data Access library for developing applications for multiple devices connected to corporate databases. With its powerful universal architecture, F…

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In computer science, simultaneity or concurrency is a property of systems in which multiple calculations can be performed in periods of overlapping time. Calculations ca…

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In Python tuples are a data structure that function as a list, but are immutable.

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Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development technique based on a short cycle of repetitions.

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Drag-n-drop means "Drag and Drop"; it is a common move in user interactions with websites or programs.

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Streaming or media flow is a form of data distribution, usually multimedia over a network through packets. It is often used to distribute multimedia content over the Int…

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