
Issues related to the printing of documents in general. Subjects related to this tag may be related to printing aid technologies/frameworks. Not the same as issues relat…

100 questions

Any issue related to creating PDF files, with a library, PDF printers, PDF converters, or PDF authoring applications.

100 questions

Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related to the "click" event, which occurs when the user clicks on an HTML element.

98 questions

JWT (JSON Web Token) is a data transfer system, which allows data to be sent via URL, POST or in an HTTP header (header) in a "secure" manner. This information is digita…

98 questions

Zend Framework is a framework for open source, object-oriented web applications, implemented in PHP 5 and licensed under the New BSD License. In case of problems/questio…

97 questions

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that primarily uses functions as a means for building captures and expressing calculations that comprise a computer prog…

97 questions
97 questions

Accentuation refers to the combination of diacritical signs with letters of the alphabet. Use this tag on questions about the correct handling of accented characters in …

96 questions

It is a graphic library developed in Javascript, providing easy and quick to add interactive graphics in web applications.

96 questions

Used for questions about programming that are independent of a particular programming language. Please do not use this tag indiscriminately. Only use when it is importan…

96 questions

Doctrine is an Object-Relational Mapping (or ORM) framework for PHP. The ORM is a development technique used to reduce the impedance of object-oriented programming using…

95 questions

Facebook Graph API is a graphical-db style programming interface for languages such as PHP, Perl, Actionscript, Javascript, etc

95 questions

Wildfly, also known as Jboss, is a Java EE application server developed in Java and can run on any 32 or 64 bit operating system that has Java support.

95 questions

Textbox is a visual component of Web Forms technology, used to display text on an ASPX page, as in a form.

94 questions

Replace is the action of searching for a sub-string in a string and replacing it with a different sub-string. Use this tag for questions about replacing some value with …

94 questions

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) or object-relational mapping is a technique of mapping between object-oriented systems and relational databases.

93 questions
93 questions

Dependency Injection is a development standard that aims to reduce the coupling between components of an application by dynamically injecting the dependencies it needs t…

92 questions

UX stands for "User Experience" (*User Experience*) and refers to the field of study within Human-Computer Interaction (IHC) who seeks to understand how people’s percept…

92 questions

Cakephp Version 2 is a framework written in PHP whose main objectives are to provide a framework that enables PHP programmers of all levels to develop robust application…

92 questions

The FireMonkey® framework is a runtime application development platform behind RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.

92 questions

Computer program and a network protocol that allow connection to another computer on the network in order to allow the execution of commands from a Remote Unit.

91 questions

Plot in certain languages (Octave, Matlab, R) is a function used to draw graphics, which can be in 2D or 3D.

91 questions
91 questions

`radiobutton` are elements used in forms. They allow a user to select exactly one of a limited number of options.

91 questions

Spring JPA is an integral part of the Spring Framework used for JPA management (Java Persistence API).

91 questions

The generic IP address is an identification of a device (computer, printer, etc.) on a local or public network. Each computer on the Internet has a unique IP (Internet P…

90 questions

Tag referring to keyboard activities (physical or virtual), both addressing information input/output issues and specific settings.

90 questions

Use this tag for questions directly related to Carousel, for example Carousel operating problems, implementation or UX. A Carousel is a rotating display of content (usua…

90 questions

Electron (formerly known as Atom Shell) is a framework created by Github to write cross-Platform desktop applications using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Electron is based …

90 questions

Use this tag when the problem refers to Delphi that is part of Rad Studio 10.X, be it Seattle, Berlin, Tokyo or Rio.

89 questions

Thymeleaf is a templates system for Java that runs on the server side as well as client side and in independent environments.

89 questions

C++11 is the standard C++ language approved in 2011. It replaces the previous C++03, adding several novelties to the language, such as Lambdas, auto deduction of variabl…

88 questions

Nosql is a kind of persistent data storage that uses not only SQL but other storage forms like documents, Key-Value tables (Key-Value)

88 questions

DON’T USE this tag unless the problem is specifically on an Apple iPhone device and/or iPod touch. For issues that are not hardware-related use the [Ios] tag. Avoid usin…

88 questions