Read more than one. xls file in python


Viewed 2,574 times


I posted a very similar question a few days ago, but this time, I’m trying to do something much more generic. I want to get the information from line 0 and 1. The code below is complete, and is generating the output of the input.xls file correctly.

import xlrd
import xlwt

# Open the input worksheet 
inputWorkbook = xlrd.open_workbook('entrada.xls', formatting_info=True)

# select the correct sheet for input
inputSheet = inputWorkbook.sheet_by_name('idade')

# Create the output worksheet
outputWorkbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")

# Add a new sheet to the output worksheet
outputSheet = outputWorkbook.add_sheet('idade')

# Output sheet header's style
headerStyle = xlwt.easyxf('font: height 200, bold 1, color white;''pattern: pattern solid, fore_color black; ')

for coluna in range(inputSheet.ncols):
    outputSheet.write(0, coluna, inputSheet.cell_value(1, coluna), headerStyle);
    outputSheet.write(1, coluna, inputSheet.cell_value(2, coluna));"resultado.xls")

The problem: Read more than 10. xls files at once. I don’t want the information.xls input only, but also 1.xls input, 2.xls input, 3.xls input ...

  • 1

    It is very difficult to answer your question like this in the abstract, because I do not know exactly what you want to do with these files, whether you need to combine your results or not, etc. I tried to answer as best I could, but if this does not clarify your question, please [Dit] your question by asking the maximum of context possible (i.e. say what you want to do, how you are trying to do it, any relevant chunk of code, etc).

  • Hi, I edited the question to improve what I want to do.

  • 1

    Improved a lot, but still left some doubts: 1) all files entradaN.xls have equal structure? i.e. a page called idade, where you intend to extract the lines 1 and 2 of all columns (as you are doing in this example); or not? 2) Where will the information of the other entries be placed? The first was for the lines 0 and 1 from the exit, the next will go to the lines 2 and 3? Or is it all in the first two rows, and the next one will simply add more columns? Or even: only the first will have headers, the following will not... Etc.

  • 1

    That’s good. 1) Yes, all files entered in N.xls have the same structure. For example, it has 10 columns and 2 rows. 2) That’s right, I need to take the information from all columns and rows 0 and 1 of the input file, and for the pulled row it will be added on row 0 and 1, and then 2 and 3 and so on. I am studying on how to create equal role you taught below, but I am still struggling. But I am attentive to your teachings. Thank you

  • 1

    I updated the answer with a full example. In this case, the zip was unnecessary, but the overall structure of the solution remained the same.

2 answers


I suggest you take a look at the function zip and - if you do not yet have this concept - in list comprehensions (list comprehensions). This will help you a lot to structure your code.

If you have a ready code that handles a single file:

workbook_r = open_workbook('arquivo.xls', formatting_info=True)
worksheet_r = workbook_r.sheet_by_index(0)

The "natural" way to move to another file is the use of functions:

def ler_arquivo(nome):
    workbook_r = open_workbook(nome, formatting_info=True)
    worksheet_r = workbook_r.sheet_by_index(0)
    return resultados # Aquilo que você quer extrair do arquivo


If you have N files then you will call this function N times by extracting the individual results from each one (if the files have different structures then you will have to do different functions for each "file type", of course):

arquivos = ['arquivo1.xls', 'arquivo2.xls', 'arquivo3.xls']
resultados = [ler_arquivo(nome) for nome in arquivos]

Okay, so far I probably didn’t say anything you didn’t already know. The problem now is - how combine the processing results of each file? That’s where the function comes in zip. Let’s say part of your results are values from a column in the archive:

def ler_arquivo(nome):
    coluna_que_me_interessa = []
    ... # Extrai os valores de uma coluna que te interesse e coloque na lista
    return {
        ... # outros dados

For example, let’s say that the Excel A file contains "weights" and the B file contains "height measurements" - and you want to use both to make a calculation.

resultados1 = ler_arquivo('pessoas_pesos.xls')
resultados2 = ler_arquivo('pessoas_alturas.xls')

pesos = resultados1['minha_coluna']
alturas = resultados2['minha_coluna']

for i in range(len(pesos)):
    imc = pesos[i] / alturas[i]*alturas[i]

Instead of making this "weird" loop, you can use the function zip to combine the elements of the lists pesos and alturas two-two:

pesos = [50,70,60]
alturas = [160,180,165]

zip(pesos, alturas) # [(50,160), (70,180), (60,165)]

So that you can use the pair in a list comprehension:

def calcular_imc(peso, altura): # Exemplo; na prática, suas funções serão mais complexas

imcs = [calcular_imc(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(pesos, alturas)]

Finally, to answer your question: what if I have a number arbitrary files? In this case (and assuming the files are homogeneous, i.e. with the same structure) you can pass a list of pro arguments zip dynamically. Example:

arquivos = ['arquivo1.xls', 'arquivo2.xls', 'arquivo3.xls']
resultados = [ler_arquivo(nome) for nome in arquivos]

minha_coluna = [r['minha_coluna'] for r in resultados]
calculo = [meu_calculo(x) for x in zip(*minha_coluna)]

This will make it meu_calculo receive a list containing the values of each column [of each file] corresponding to row 1, then a list for row 2, etc.

Updating: then adapting the technique described for your specific case (in this case, the zip was unnecessary):

def ler_arquivo(nome):
    inputWorkbook = xlrd.open_workbook(nome, formatting_info=True)
    inputSheet = inputWorkbook.sheet_by_name('idade')
    return {
         # As duas linhas que interessam
        "linha1":[inputSheet.cell_value(1, coluna) for coluna in range(inputSheet.ncols)],
        "linha2":[inputSheet.cell_value(2, coluna) for coluna in range(inputSheet.ncols)],

arquivos = ["entrada{}.xls".format(i+1) for i in range(10)]
resultados = [ler_arquivo(nome) for nome in arquivos]

outputWorkbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
outputSheet = outputWorkbook.add_sheet('idade')
headerStyle = xlwt.easyxf('font: height 200, bold 1, color white;''pattern: pattern solid, fore_color black; ')

# Percorre os resultados de cada arquivo, incrementando a linha em 2
linha = 0
for resultado in resultados:
    for coluna in range(resultado["ncols"]):
        outputSheet.write(linha+0, coluna, resultado["linha1"][coluna], headerStyle)
        outputSheet.write(linha+1, coluna, resultado["linha2"][coluna])
    linha = linha + 2"resultado.xls")
  • 1

    It worked! I only changed the position of the outputWorkbook and outputSheet line to before the function, as it is these lines that "open" the file(s) to be read. Now!


Hi, I’d like to do something like that. but instead of him taking two-line information, I want him to take two whole columns of the input file and write it in the output file. rotten help me?

  • 1

    Tiago, welcome to stackoverflow in English, make a tour and see how to create a question, do not do this in existing questions.

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