Controller message to view


Viewed 1,395 times


I did that:

        public void CadastraUsusario(string _nome, string _usuario, string _email, string _nivel_acesso, bool _ativo)
            using (RupturaEntities db = new RupturaEntities())
                Usuario usu = new Usuario();
                    var retorna_usuario = db.Usuario
                                          .Where(u => u.NM_Usuario == _nome && u.Usuario1 == _usuario)
                                          .Select(d => new { d.NM_Usuario, d.Usuario1 }).ToList();

                    if (retorna_usuario == null)
                        usu.NM_Usuario = _nome;
                        usu.Usuario1 = _usuario;
                        usu.Email = _email;
                        usu.NivelAcesso = _nivel_acesso;
                        usu.Ativo = _ativo;
                        ViewBag.MsgError = "Usuário já está cadastrado no sistema.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                { }

How do I stop when my Inline returns something, I do not proceed with inserting and triggering the message on the user screen?

1 answer


Implementing a @helper to send messages Flash to the screen.

I implemented one like this:


I’m guessing you use jQuery for your project:

@helper FlashMessage(System.Web.Mvc.TempDataDictionary tempData) 
    var message = "";
    var className = "";
    if (tempData["info"] != null)
        message = tempData["info"].ToString();
        className = "flashInfo";
    else if (tempData["warning"] != null)
        message = tempData["warning"].ToString();
        className = "flashWarning";
    else if (tempData["error"] != null)
        message = tempData["error"].ToString();
        className = "flashError";
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() {


Put a <div> with the id = "flash", which will serve to display the message, plus the call to helper, that will mount a runtime Javascript in your Layout:

<div id="body">
    <div id="flash"></div>
    @RenderSection("featured", required: false)
    <section class="content-wrapper main-content clear-fix">@RenderBody()</section>


This is a Extension of Controller:

namespace SeuProjeto.Helpers
    public static class FlashHelper

        public static void FlashInfo(this Controller controller, string message)
            controller.TempData["info"] = message;
        public static void FlashWarning(this Controller controller, string message)
            controller.TempData["warning"] = message;
        public static void FlashError(this Controller controller, string message)
            controller.TempData["error"] = message;


Use inside your Controller the following:

this.FlashInfo("Mensagem de Informação.");
this.FlashWarning("Mensagem de Aviso.");
this.FlashError("Mensagem de Erro.")
  • I haven’t been able to send a controller message to the view and display on the user page.

  • Have you implemented all the steps? What about your code? You inspected the <div id="flash"> when testing?

  • See if that’s it. You created a view called Flash.cshtl. Then in the _Layout.cshtml view you made the appropriate changes. He created a class called Flashhelper.Cs and there inside the controller that in my case, will make the rule and the message, put the 3 lines (Use) that you believe. If that was it, could not make it work, I even tried to create exactly as you said, until the folders I have not created them to look exactly like you put here.

  • You can update the question with the implemented code?

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