How to pass a interpreted parameter on the server to a javascript function?


Viewed 347 times


I’m creating a control ascx that will have multiple impressions on the same page.

In this control, there is an image that I intend to perform a function javascript when clicked. By example, like this:

<asp:Panel ID="divPai" runat="server" >
        <div ...>
            <input .../>
        <asp:Image ID="btnMensagem" 
                   Class="animated-transition rotate-90-degrees" 
    <div class="div-manipulavel" ...>
        <input ... />

In an archive js separate I have all the functions I need to use in this control and the inclusion of this script is taking place normally.

I imported the script like this:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(GetType(), "scriptsMeuControle", ResolveClientUrl("~/Componentes/Scripts/MeuControle.js"));

That would be the archive content:

function mostrarAlerta(mensagem)
    alert('Conteúdo: ' + mensagem);

function mostrarAlerta2()
    alert('Função acionada!');

The problem occurs when I need to pass a parameter to run in the function, as is the mostrarAlerta(mensagem).

I tried that way:

<asp:Image ID="btnMensagem"
           onclick="mostrarAlerta2('<% =divPai.ClientID %>');"/>

That doesn’t work. The expression <% =divPai.ClientID %> is not interpreted and the content I tried to pass is displayed literally:

Conteúdo: <% =divPai.ClientID %>

How do I pass a parameter that is interpreted from the server side like this to a function javascript?

  • Diego, I don’t remember much how it is used. Have you tried using Jquery to capture its value, it will be something like: $('#<% =divPai.ClientID %>').val()

  • @Marconi Yes, I have tried, but it does not work in the function call because the code is also not interpreted. From what I saw in this OS response I referenced above, it seems that I can’t use these codes embedded in controls that already run on the server side (the <asp:... of life).

  • I also can’t put the jQuery selector inside the js function, because on a page there will be several impressions of that control, the js function would be overwritten and would only work for one of them.

  • 1

    It is not the case to pass for the function? Because Clientid turns ID when the control is rendered, no?

  • @bfavaretto I want to pass the id of another element in case divPai. I think the eh would refer to the image itself

  • 2

    You can pass this and in the function get the data of the grandfather.

  • In fact you wouldn’t even need to pass anything if the function is not called inline, this would come automatically.

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1 answer


I ended up finding in that OS post the answer to my question.

In short,

Cannot use expressions of type <% %> on controls that run on the server side.

The solution I chose was to reverse the component <asp:Image .../> to the native correspondent - <img /> - and the call was made correctly:

<asp:Panel ID="divPai" runat="server" >
        <div ...>
            <input .../>
        <img id="<% =divPai.ClientID %>_btnMensagem" 
             class="animated-transition rotate-90-degrees" 
             onclick="mostrarAlerta2('<% =divPai.ClientID %>');" 
    <div class="div-manipulavel" ...>
        <input ... />

The tips given by colleagues @dvd and @bfavaretto helped me to complete the implementation of the function javascript in my real scenario.

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