What is gamification in the context of software?


Viewed 351 times


I recently saw some comments about gamificação and would like to understand what it is and how it works in the context of software.

How this relates to programming itself?

  • 16

    Tip, you are using it on this very site and moment.

  • 6

    The short answer is that gamification is a set of interactions with the user so that they engage in the use of a tool. And that the engagement comes from internal factors of the user himself. I will give a more detailed answer later

  • 3

    Gamification is a silly idea, since it demotivates, diminishes the effort and can result in unwanted effects. Fountain. At least in the context of education.

  • 1

    @Brunocosta Since the article is not freely accessible (it is necessary to buy it), it is difficult to argue about its results. By Abstract they claim they used Badges and leaderboards and that the students showed less motivation, satisfaction and empowerment compared to a class without these elements. One question that I think is relevant is whether these results were not the result of dissatisfaction with the expectations created precisely with a poorly done gamification. Until then, to say that it is a "silly idea" is complicated because the concept works in many contexts, including educational. :)

  • 6

    But I think this question is complicated. The existing answer briefly explains what gamification is, but fails to do the relationship that AP wants (and that would make it valid on this site): the relationship with software. Moreover, "software context" is still broad. Are we talking about professional software development? Its commercial use? Learning (about how to develop, or how to use certain software)? P.S.: It was not I who negatively negatived.

  • Related: https://answall.com/q/243812/64969

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"Gamification" is a term used when a system or campaign wants to make the user feel engaged to achieve something, be it status, score or prizes, as in a game, as a more playful to "arrest" the user (Stackoverflow can be cited as a typical example of this).

The term derives from "game" (game), when in every game, the gambler seeks to score as high as possible with his effort and assiduity, making him feel encouraged to continue in the game in order to seek more points, creating a loyalty of the user.

Gamification is not directly linked with programming, as this can be done in several ways, without involving programming. In the case of programming, it only involves how the code (software) will be made where the programmer writes the program that will control the way the "game" works (back-end).


I have already given my insight into what gamification is in another related question. So I want to focus here on the second part of your question: what is the relationship with software.

As a tool to aid people’s intrinsic motivation, gamification can be used in the context of software development as well as in any other context. But it is first necessary to understand what is the design objective (note that it is different from the participant’s goal) intended. In other words, what is the behavior you want to attribute to the participants? Do you want them to use the software more correctly, do you want them to program the software more robustly, or do you want them to be interested in learning how to make software? Each of these questions is a different product/process, in which certain methods/techniques/tools may be more or less useful.

For example, offering medals (Badges) users of a website like Stackoverflow can get them interested in very specific content or a naturally unfulfilling task (such as analyzing other people’s questions) precisely by searching for such medals, but in other contexts where the user is already motivated in an extrinsic way (because it is his job and he should use the system, for example), the medals can be seen merely as a hindrance.

My colleague Bruno commented that gamification might not work in the context of education, and that’s actually a great possibility. In the example cited (which is not open access, so you can not have more details), a possibility that I have seen happen has to do with the creation of expectations. When it is mentioned to students that the class will be "gamified" (will have elements of games), the expectation created is quite great especially when the traditional class is already seen as something boring and boring. If gamification is performed superficially (for example, where medals without any connection to a consistent fantasy and interest of the "players" are given by tasks performed), it may fail completely and, in fact, lead the experience to the opposite direction of the intended (the student find that the medal is the mark of the cross-dressing medal, and so be even more upset because of the failure to meet a great expectation created).

But this does not mean that such attempts have not achieved success in education. In São Paulo there is a group called "Interpreting and Learning" who uses role-playing games to aid in the teaching of History, and who has motivated many students to take an interest in the subject.

Here is an important point of discussion, regarding this of a "serious game" or gamification - see the Deterding chart et al. that I quote in my other already referenced answer. The fact is that elements of history are conducted amid many sessions of game, with different people and recreating social contexts sometimes quite difficult to recognize outside the game circle, so that That for me is much more for a process than for a product.

In computer teaching there are numerous examples, but I like to quote the online game called Codecombat (this yes, much closer to a serious game than a gamified process). Even being a game, it has motivated many people to become more interested in programming and to do exercises in a playful way. Used in an academic context, the game is a tool in a larger process, and in this case I would say that it is a gamification involving software learning.

In short, the relationship between gamification and software is tangential, as is the relationship between game development (serious or not) and software. Digital games require programming involving a computer system, but analog games (board games, cards, dice, etc) have been around for over 3,000 years. The game of that particular link (of the Mancala family) involves a mechanic that simulates sowing seeds on the ground and, mainly, the perception that you cannot win if your opponent dies of hunger. Just like chess and Senet, These early games had a strong relationship to fundamental issues for human civilizations: agriculture, war and religion respectively. The use of these games, seen in this broader context, does not stop making them tools in a gamified process, with the intention of motivating some behavior or generating awareness.

In conclusion: gamification precedes software; but it can be used as a tool, or it can be used to motivate some behavior related to its use, development or learning.


Gamification gamification (of game), is the promotion of public engagement in a certain product or service through alternative ways.

Stackexchange communities, Stackoverflow in Portuguese is one of them, promote gamification. Points, medals, privileges and social interaction captivate the user to ask and answer more.

A well-known language learning app, Duolingo, too promotes gamification through the competitive system.

This whole concept is not tied to the virtual world. Companies are gamifying processes to engage their employees to seek more productivity, knowledge and etc.

To first reference of "gamification" was in 2002-2003 by Nick Pelling, although it was popularized from 2010, as shown in this graph with the frequency of searches:

Source: Google Trends (gamification)

The quotations from cases previous ones are related to the software. Simply look for the gamification methods applicable to your solution and start the implementation, be it the scoring system, the ranking, or other. The ideal is to analyze results to see if they arise, increasing engagement or another major goal.

The coolest thing about this field of study is that it doesn’t just involve software. Like every area related to , it is common to see psychology (mainly behavioral).

Plus, let’s see who wins the "answer accepts" in this question

This question generated that one, in Portuguese Language!

  • 1

    There you go! Congratulations! + 1


Gamefication (or gamefication) is the incorporation of typical game elements into applications unrelated to this context, with the aim of increasing empathy with the target audience.

A practical example is the gamefication applied to teaching in which the student is urged to perform, progressively, activities through a system of points and rewards in order to make the whole process playful, the activities make itif more challenging as the student advances, thus replicating the system of levels of a game.

The use of fun graphics and drawing, competitiveness, teamwork and socialization with other "players" are strategies that can play an important role in the gamefication of an application.

Regarding e-learning I researched some practices that can be applied in the following summary:

The article below brings some very interesting complementary considerations that will broaden your understanding on this. Worth checking.


  • 3

    It’s funny that you cite the example of learning as one of the possible uses of gamification conflicts with the linked article on comment from Bruno Costa

  • 3

    I looked for the reference you passed here, but found the following excerpt in Bruno Costa’s comment: "(...) the concept works in many contexts, including educational.". I don’t understand in what sense you say there is?

  • I just read the summary, it has this on one of the points of the conclusion that it puts in the summary

  • 1

    This excerpt: "Over time, gamified Students Were Less motivated, empowered, and satisfied."

  • @Caiubyfreitas This comment you quoted is from Luiz Vieira.

  • 1

    The content of this article is not open to the public, hence the reason for the citation. It may be interesting to read the full article. In any case, it is necessary to understand that the explanation I have provided is not the result of a thesis, nor does it intend to counter the work of said Bruno Costa. It is only the explanation of a term of common use and, regardless of the ratio that is made about the meaning, relevance and results of the gamefication, has only the objective of providing clarification. Perhaps this is not the place for in-depth academic debate.

  • 1

    Hi thanks for your time. You say you made a summary, it would be what comes before the statement or will add, see is not an uncritical your answer, but the statement leaves a little taste of "I want more"...;)

  • "How this relates to programming itself?"

  • What is the correct spelling: "gamefication" or "gamification"? Or is it the same thing?

  • 2

    "Gamification" is correct according to Priberam. @Dvdsamm

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