Posts by Luiz Oleia • 41 points
4 posts
viewsQ: Radio buttom that when selected changes the background of a div and saves the result in the BD
Hello, what I want to do specifically are radio Buttons that when one is activated the background color of the div skirt of the default color (white) and change its background color according to the…
viewsQ: Can you make an auto-executable script in Python? (Autorun)
Hello, I’m starting to learn Python, I know only the basics, I wanted to make a script self executable (autorun), but I searched all over the internet and I couldn’t find anywhere to do an autorun…
viewsA: How to use Bootstrap template
For this you put inside the head a tag called link, it looks like this: <link href="Local que vc esta puxando seu bootstrap" rel="stylesheet"> rel is saying it’s a style sheet Then you just…
viewsQ: Update edits all information instead of just one specific, when I put Where to an edit specifies nothing is edited, what to do?
I’m making a code where the person adds records on the site that are shown to her in list on a table, on each line there’s a button to edit, when I edit some information all other records are…