Posts by Mauricio Schimit • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: Q: Docker does not find the application directory
Before describing the problem I would like to inform you that I am new in the field of programming and am learning how to use Docker now, so I ask for everyone’s understanding. I’m spinning a…
viewsA: Image does not appear in the HTML project
Code editors do not recognize a file path with space in the file name or some folder, I recommend using the format snake_case (separation_das_palavras_por_underline) or Camelcase (Starting all words…
htmlanswered Mauricio Schimit 1 -
viewsQ: Failure to assign constant value
I’m trying to create a function to register users, but has a constant that is not assigning the value of the request, follow the code I currently have: Services async create(req, res) { const user =…