Posts by CodegTech Sistemas • 45 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Create mysql table by php
I’m trying to create a table in the database through php but I’m not getting it. By the way, even using mysqli_error no error is shown if ($new_room != "" && $new_room != " ") {…
mysqlasked CodegTech Sistemas 45 -
viewsQ: Cut word after comma
I have a code to cut the words after the comma. But how do I know how many string will be generated by the cutter ? For one can put 5 words, as one can put 10 at once. $str = "valor1,valor2,valor3";…
phpasked CodegTech Sistemas 45 -
viewsQ: Expand and Collect div
I have a div (#Adm) that shows me the result of all registered users and in front a button to unlock or block the user. How do I click it, make it expand and retract showing the results ? <div…