Posts by Uélio Nobre • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: Insert a date into the database via jquery+php
Have you added the part that makes the request? What’s this I’m not seeing. Executing your code. I noticed that the date comes in "Brazilian" format. Which is the format that represents,…
viewsA: SQL + PHP Query: Take only data from the current year from January to Today?
Could use a cast to "Force" the BETWEEN operator to use the $startMP variable content as a date in Mysql. BETWEEN CAST('{$startMp}' AS DATE) AND CAST(NOW() AS DATE); If it doesn’t work in the second…
viewsA: One below the other input
It could be solved like this too. Depending on what you are doing. You will probably need to put a label. To add a label, it would look like this: <body> <div> <input type="checkbox"…