Most voted "relationship" questions
An entity-relationship relationship model (MER) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data, information aspects of a business domain or its process requirements. Lately MER is being much implemented in database.
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viewsDoubt with relation of Mysql tables
Next guys, I have these tables there, I’m studying relationship tables here... This project has no intention, except to practice and study! I linked the table Categories and types to products like 1…
viewsRelationship of tables using FK’s
I am making a system that the user create an account and select the movies he has already watched. I have a table in Mysql movies to register all the movies on the site and a generous table that is…
viewsInsert Image into a table already created
I have two tables - alunos(id, nome, email...) and fotos(id, imagem, id_aluno). I need to add an image to each student already created. I had an idea to make a select that shows all students and…
viewsLoad data from the related table (Laravel) - What is the best way?
Good night. In the view loaded from: Route::get('livro/detail/{id}',['uses'=>'LivroController@detail', 'as' => 'livro.detail']); i can freely load data from table columns Books, for in the…
viewsMake a relationship with data already created
I’m working on a school registration system with Alavel. It currently has two tables in the database: the list of Classes and the list of Teachers. When registering a new class, I want to be able to…
viewsIt is possible to perform queries in a table that is not mapped by Hibernate
I would like to list data from a table that is not mapped by Hibernate; that is, I have an Endity map table and I want to report a search in a table in my database that is not an Entity. That’s…
viewsLaravel - Hasone 5.8
I have no problems with registering related data in Hasone I have doubt about registering 2 hasOne data... I know that to register two hasOne data is as follows example: $users = User::create([…
viewsI need to list 3 tables in the Standard, somebody help!!! I tried it anyway!
I have 3 tables Sales ID | TITULO Brokers ID | NOME Relas - "Make the relationship between the tables" ID | VENDAS_ID | CORRETORES_ID | TIPO I need the table relas make the relationship between the…
viewsProblem in SELECT INNER JOIN. Appearing ID instead of name
Hello. I would like a SELECT INNER JOIN result to show the record name instead of the record ID. I have researched several topics dealing with the subject here, but I cannot solve this problem. I…
viewsdisplay list of dependents per user in Laravel 6
I have my main "home" page with route that is displayed after login. So this one "home.blade.php" displays a page with the logged in user data. I created a "dependent" table, I made the relationship…
viewsDatabase - Mysql - Relationship between tables / INNER, LEFT, RIGHT JOIN
I am making a database using the Mysql Workbench and I am in need of a brief assistance. I have six entities in total. tb_people who are related to two other tb_clients and tb_adm entities (because…