Most voted "objects" questions
An object is any entity that can be manipulated by commands in the programming language. An object can be a value, a variable, a function, or a complex data structure. In object-oriented programming, an object refers to an instance of a class.
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viewsi am not managing to inherit the client class with one of the two
i create a client that will be Pfísica as I do for class Pfisica inherit from class client. class Cliente: def __init__(self,*lista,**D): self.codigo = D.pop('cod','--') self.nome = D.pop('n','--')…
viewsHow to Map String Characters
I have the following array with a string inside. let fruta = ['banana']; fruit is the name of my array and banana is the string. my intention is to create a code that Mapeie the string 'banana'…
viewsConcatenate Object Array with length
Good night, I have the following doubt, I have 2 arrays of objects being the first of cars and the second of sales, having the second one a relation through the car id. I wonder how I can…
viewssort object - JS
I would like to sort this type of JSON by date in javascript, it is possible?? { "5d8b3e18-b134-4cce-b77c-804535da6140": { "titulo": "post Atualizado", "chamada": "API nova CHAMADA 3", "data":…
viewsHow to retrieve specific information within this array?
I made a query SQL in the Wordpress database that returned me all the information related to a request, but I need to store some variables of this information and do not know how to do. The $pid…
viewsCRUD: List Method
Good evening, I am learning about CRUD in my mobile programming course, we are programming in a database Sqlite, as the project is not yet ready for reasons of the teacher himself, to check if the…
viewsHow to group data by time interval?
I need to gather received values between a certain time interval, with javscript. I have an Object: var object = [ { horario: "09:03", status: "OK"}, { horario: "09:04", status: "OK"}, { horario:…
viewsBest way to know if an object array has the same values, even at different positions
I would like a help for a function, where I have to know if two objects have the same values, even if in different positions. In this case they have the same values. I’ve seen how to do with arrays,…
viewsCompare object array and delete repeat
I need to make a method where I receive from the frontend an array of objects, and compare with the array of objects q have in the database, so I perform the query in the database that is data1 and…
viewsWhy is the comparison of objects with the same content false?
Why this condition is defined as false? I put image to be using the Google console and the code does not need to be executed since the doubt is conceptual.…