Most voted "matrix" questions
An array is a collection of variables of the same type, accessible with a single name and stored contiguously in memory. The individualization of each variable of a vector is done through the use of indexes. Vectors are matrices of a single dimension.
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viewsI need to do a function that passes an n * m matrix, is transformed into a unidimesional tam n *m vector
int* Vetor_Unidim(int **matriz, int n, int m){ int *vetor = (int*)malloc((n*m)*sizeof(int)); int *p; p = *matriz; int tam = n*m; int i; for(i = 0; i<n;…
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viewshow do I make an Nxn matrix, where N is a variable (acquired in input), in python. Because the example below cannot change the values in the indices?
E1 = input(). split() E2 = input(). split() Matri, numj = E1 name, idj = E2 matrix = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] # I cannot make the matrix that is the user’s choice, that is a variable.. for l in…
viewsProblems with Matrices - Python 3
1 - Read a matrix D 5 x 5 (consider that duplicate values will not be reported). Then read an X number and write a message indicating whether the value of X exists or NOT in the matrix. 2 - DESAFIO…
viewsPython code by duplicating the result of an array
I have a routine, in which, I need to create a matrix, which will be used to create some graphs. The code is structured as follows:: 3 lists for x, y, y 3 lists feeding the axes 1 for client sets…
viewsNumber of rows and columns of a python matrix
How do I know the number of rows and columns of an array in the Python language?
viewsI need to count a number of specific numbers per column in a matrix
I’m doing a program that reads the number "1" per row in the matrix and I need to find the number "1" per column. It turns out that I am not able to assemble a code that reads only the columns and…
viewsHow to initialize an array using pointers?
I need to initialize a 0 matrix using pointer to address its elements