Most voted "linq" questions
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a component of Microsoft. NET Framework that adds native data query (query) functionality in . NET languages.
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viewsForeach result behaves unexpected
I have been working on a page, where I need to create a treeview system with checkbox and this is consuming a lot of my time and leaves me worried about the project’s SLA. In the controller, there I…
viewsDifficulty in filtering information
I know my problem is logical and it must come from me, I know, but sometimes a light, not a code ready, but the pointing of a path helps us a lot. 1) I have 6 Combobox in my View that make the…
viewsHow to perform a Left Join with LINQ C# using my SQL?
Example that works in SQL: select * from Doacoes inner join Projetos on Projetos.IdProjeto = Doacoes.IdProjeto left join Pedidos on Doacoes.IdDoacao = Pedidos.IdDoacao left join Recompensas on…
viewsLinq equivalent to the t-sql command
How to make the LINQ equivalent to the following SQL? Select sum(case when periodo = 1 then isnull(valor,0) else 0 end) Jan, sum(case when periodo = 2 then isnull(valor,0) else 0 end) Feb, sum(case…
viewsHelp to convert SQL to LINQ
I want to convert the code select for a consultation LINQ SELECT bpac.cmp FROM bpac union SELECT bpai.cmp FROM bpai group by cmp order by cmp desc I’m trying to get the first table and I’m already…
viewsConvert inside a lambda
I have a nullable int field and that within a lambda I need to popular a nonnullable property. If I do this: campo1 = Convert.ToInt32(campo2); I take this mistake: Notsupportedexception: LINQ to…
viewsWhat is the best way to search for many variables in the database?
I am developing a C# MVC application and am having problems presenting the records. I have a list of over 250 variables and the user chooses which one he wants to see on the chart. Inside the…
viewsHow to filter Bados bank records in . NET Core?
I am new in . NET Core and have some things I curl up in. I created this list through dbcontext using dbset. .net linq
asked 4 years, 3 months ago Luiz Costa 11