Most voted "laravel" questions
Laravel is an open-source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP. Before asking consult the official documentation of Laravel.
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viewsBlock access to Vue js routes if you are not logged in
I am unable to block routes are going through normal without authentication I am developing a Dashboard and came to doubt how to prohibit access to routes if not logged in, with this, I thought of…
viewsConsultation Laravel Eloquent 3 belongtomany tables
1 2 3 I have 3 tables, Users, Roles and Permissions Example: User Carlos has 1 Role Admin and 1 Role Admin has 2 Permissions admin and user count(Auth::user() ->roles() ->with('permissions')…
viewsRestricting access to routes if the user is not logged in Vuejs
I am unable to block routes are going through normal without authentication I am developing a web application and I have a question about how to prohibit access to routes if they are not logged in,…
viewsCreate foreach with another foreach result
I have a Course and this course has 1 or several Modules, and each Module has 1 or several disciplines. In my controller I did so: $_modSelecionados =…
viewsproblems with Axios and React-Native. Axios returning empty attributes
All right? I am developing an application for a client in React-On, due to some integrations that the app needs to have I developed his backend using Laravel 6.x. So far so good, I’ve done all the…
viewsAccumulated balance with multiple accounts - SQL
I’m having trouble creating an account statement that has the option to filter all accounts and/or only a few accounts. I am using this SQL to appear these record this way select,…
viewsError sending email PHP-Laravel
Hello, everybody! I am studying PHP-Laravel (I am new in the language tb). I need to send an email, but it is presenting me the error Symfony Component Debug Exception Fatalthrowableerror: Class…
viewsLaravel 6 custom validation
Hi, guys! I’m new in Laravel and wanted to ask a question about the validations. This is my controller. When I call the Validator, i am passing the arrays to Rules, messages and Attributes.…
viewsNot operating route in production
I’m having a problem, I recently deployed a 6 Airframe project in production. I have the following route: Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); }); Route::resource('email',…
viewsDB Query inside a foreach loop is making my page slow
The code below is used to show a table with 15 results on a page. For this, I am using two different databases, one of them is a wordpress database and the other is a personal database that I…
viewsAuthentication in the Laravel accessing routes protected by auth middleware
Good morning, I’m making a little project with Laravel, I’m at the authentication part and I had a question. i protected a group of routes with middleware auth so the user will only be able to…
viewsClear city variable when selecting another state
I have a little doubt. I have a view that when the user selects a state, loads the list of cities from the database. But it’s having two problems: When you select the state, the selected city is any…
Sirs, I am having the following error "The "/tmp/php63F4kk" file does not exist or is not readable." in Laravel, I am entering the information as follows: if($request->hasfile('foto')) { $image =…
viewsLaravel in hosting only works at home
I followed a tutorial where the folder of the Laravel goes outside public_html and changes public_html/index.php to require __DIR__.'/../projeto/vendor/autoload.php'; $app = require_once…
viewsProblems to delete with ajax in Laravel 5.3
Controller public function deletar($id) { $dado = Todo::find($id)->delete(); return response()->json($dado); } Route Route::get('/deletar/{id}',['as'=>'todo.deletar',…
viewsError mimetype application/octet-stream in jpeg image with Laravel
When trying to upload an image with Laravel I notice a different code behavior depending on the size of the image preventing the upload of the file as demonstrated in the image below that I get with…
viewsproblem with Routes Laravel 7.0 shared hosting
Oops! First your lay half still in the Aravel I was able to put in production (shared server Cpanel Locaweb) but I work in parts the index stay top consulting the bank using multTenant so as other…
viewsHow to pick up the selected data from a checkbox by the checkbox
Hello, all right? I have the following form: <div class="form-group"> <label for="stock_options">Opções de Estoque</label> @foreach($stockOptions as $stockOption) <div…
viewsLaravel 7, how to call iterate an input that has no right name
I am making a small form in Laravel 7 and in Javascript I have a button that adds the fields that the user needs to create the necessary questions. Javascript $(btnQuestions).click(function () {…
viewsHow to add a new table 1:N (one for many) in an existing database via Migration Laravel?
Hello! I need to add a new table in an existing comic. I use the Laravel Framework and I would like to do this via Migration, but every time I try it makes a mistake and I don’t know what I might be…
viewsClass 'Spipu Html2pdf Html2pdf' not found
I’m a beginner in Laravel. I got a legacy system with the following settings: Laravel 3.2.12 and PHP 5.6. This system uses DOMPDF. However, it cannot generate one of the html files due to the size.…
viewsHow to insert title in pagination links and button::make - Yajra Laravel Datatables
Hello, everybody! I use Datatables for Yajra’s Laravel, and I need to adapt it to accessibility. Unfortunately, I am unable to insert title in the Button::make or pagination links. Regarding…
viewsHow to access foreign key table in Laravel to return in a View
I am working on the project in the Flat and I can not solve the following problem: I have a Call List that’s being shown like this: I wanted to put the name in place of the code in the columns.…
laravelasked 4 years, 3 months ago Paulo Martins 390 -
viewsQuery works on phpmyadmin, but not on Laravel
Galley, Laravel helps a lot, but when he wants to complicate too, it really does. I did a query and tested in phpmyadmin and it works normally, but insert the query in my project Laravel gives…
viewsHow to insert data into a table that has multiple Foreign key and relates to other 4 tables using Laravel with Eloquent?
I have a table that has 4 foreign Keys and relates to 4 other tables. I would like to know how I would insert all the records, coming in Request, in this table, including your Foreign key. I’m a…
laravelasked 4 years, 3 months ago Gato de Schrödinger 2,367 -
viewsHow do I subquery Laravel based on this information?
I have the tables: Notifications: users: ... And I got the following code that’s in my controller: public function allRelations($internalClientId) { $internalClient =…
laravelasked 4 years, 3 months ago Gato de Schrödinger 2,367 -
viewsUpgrade from Laravel 5.7 to 5.8
Good morning dear friends, I am making the migration of my personal project from Laravel 5.7 to 5.8, but there is a part in the documentation that I didn’t understand very well, it may be a silly…
laravelasked 4 years, 2 months ago Alvaro Alves 1,065 -
viewsPass view data array to Laravel controller
I’m trying to pass an array of mine view for a controller (it will generate a pdf) in Laravel. I know there’s a chance I could do it this way: <form class="form-horizontal" method="get"…
viewsError 1215 with foreign key
I am working my first relationship of one to one tables in Laravel for countries and locations, created the models and migrate them to the two tables. Country table: public function up() {…
viewsMount Array with categories and subcategories that are in the same table
I am trying to assemble an array, but I am not getting, before the following table, I need to assemble the array as in the example below the photo. 6.x Standard design in the'categoria_id 'columns…
viewsParameter problems in API (Laravel) routes
Hello! I’m starting my studies on api Rest. In my application I can only return the employee data according to the id of the company that it belongs to, however, the api is returning the data…
viewsI need to mount a query with Mysql through Laravel (Eloquent)
I have to get data from 3 tables(planejamento_objetivo, planejamento and equipe) and then apply a period filter and team. Assemble query to bring up table data planejamento_objetivo. It will only…
viewsAdd a function in Laravel Route Resource
I’m new to Laravel, I have a question, I want to implement a function beyond what already exists in the part of Resource. In Resource it looks like this Route::resources([ 'users' =>…
viewsMultiple SQL column query - Laravel
Guys, I’m trying to make a query, where I have several fields to perform this search, and some null field may come. I’m using Laravel with Angular, I don’t know if I can do this consultation on the…
viewsLaravel 8: Recover Data from Logged In User
Hello, i do not use a suggested default user table in Laravel, as I am creating a frontend in a database already exists. The whole login process is working properly, with password user verification.…
viewsMiddleware in the Laravel to check if the user belongs to a group
Good morning and my first post here, I want to create a check in the Standard to check if the logged-in user belongs to the group ex: IT, DIRECTORATE, ADMINISTRATION etc. I already do the check on…
viewsLaravel route with error 404
I am working on an implementation with React and Node (services), but the API is in Laravel. To bring information from the database I needed to create a route, in a preconfigured group. But when I…
viewsLoop Laravel making only one Insert in the bank, when it should do several
I’m not getting enough inserts in the database with a loop. At the time of insert, he only makes one. public function store(Request $request){ $contrato = new Contrato(); $contrato->cont_aluno =…
viewsLaravel 8.12: syntax error, Unexpected 'min' (T_STRING), expecting ')'
I am developing a project using Laravel 8.12 and PHP 7.3.21 and am facing the problem below. Below is the contents of the head.blade.php file. @stack('head_start') <meta charset="utf-8">…
laravelasked 3 years, 10 months ago Guilherme Leandro Freitas 1 -
viewsfilter cities by state in Laravel with Javascript?
I have a city and a state camp, I would like when click on the field and select a certain state, in the city options appear only the cities related to that specific state. it is in my local…
viewsLaravel-mix error in syntax when there is none
Good evening guys, I’m trying to run NPM RUN DEV and when I do he accuses a mistake that doesn’t make sense to me (despite being a total beginner in Latin). [webpack-cli]…
viewsLaravel with firebase
I was wondering if there is any way to simulate that Firebase system (which is not yet compatible with PHP) to receive the information from the database in real time. I’m using Laravel, I collect…
viewsI need to list 3 tables in the Standard, somebody help!!! I tried it anyway!
I have 3 tables Sales ID | TITULO Brokers ID | NOME Relas - "Make the relationship between the tables" ID | VENDAS_ID | CORRETORES_ID | TIPO I need the table relas make the relationship between the…
views$imoveis is Undefined, indefinite variable in Blade
The variable $imoveis in Blade is undefined, for me it is correct in the code. @extends('layouts.main') @section('title', 'Web Room') @section('content') <h1>Imoveis web</h1> <div…
viewsInsert user information in the registration confirmation email message
I want to know how I do to insert user information in the email registration confirmation message. It would be to put the name, email and even an image with the company logo. model: User.php…
viewsHow popular to select according to other select data in Laravel?
I would like to make a dynamic select so that when I choose the state, load the cities of that state into the other select. City and state are in different tables, but have foreign key, so when I…
viewsLaravel - Controller - Show data from two tables
I’m having trouble showing data for two related tables. Controller: public Function index(){ $tabela = capitulo::orderby('id', 'desc')->paginate(); $tabela1 = documentacao::orderby('id',…
viewsLimit a table to the print page limit
Good afternoon, I’m new to programming and I’m testing some things hehehe. I wonder if it is possible to generate a limited table with empty spaces (according to the image) that the limit would be…
viewsError When Returning Data in View - Laravel 5.5, PHP and adldap2
I created a list of Extensions through PHP and Laravel 5.5 and I’m having difficulty displaying the query data $users in the view why I can’t properly traverse the fields with Foreach What’s wrong…
viewsSkip foreach result every two results
I have some results in the bank and need to align them according to the image below. But I could not. I am doing in Laravel 5.8. <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;"…