Most voted "json" questions
JSON (Javascript Object Notation - Javascript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange formatting. For humans, it is easy to read and write. For machines, it is easy to interpret and generate. It is based on a subset of the Javascript programming language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December/1999.
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viewsSend notification response by php
I need to send an http 200 response with the 'SUCCESS' string, but my php version of the server is 5.2.17! In my case, the webhook sends data to the capture to a file called.php notification, I read…
viewsValidation Result JSON URL
The following I am needing to search if certain series has been approved, if it is not approved do not let the user proceed. I need to get the information from a url, which brings the following…
viewsQuestion about array in php
I’m cracking my head and I’m already out of ideas, summing up my code is like this: <?php $var = 'arquivo_1'; // podendo ser arquivo_1 ou arquivo_2 $arquivo_1 = array( "algo1" => "alguem1",…
viewsdesectuate Json object
Guys I’m not getting to realize this object, public class itensjsonPai { public string resource { get; set; } public List<transaction> transaction { get; set; } } public class itensjsonfilho {…
viewsSearches in Objects without knowing the attribute name
I have a rather large object on which I need to search it. I have several objects inside and several arrays.For this reason it would not be feasible to give one console.log in each attribute until…
viewsclick on link and open content in div as _Blank
I need to link and have the contents of the called file displayed within a div according to the $_GET[] reported. This command I have already understood how it should be done. However, I need this…
viewsThe name "Json" does not exist in the current context
Good afternoon, I have the following part of my class that would serve to feed the objects obtained through a json online. public JsonResult GetJson() { string res; WebClient client = new…
viewsAccess a key in json
So. I’m working with the Youtube api to give GET the number of subscribers on a channel. All right. json gets to the code, my only problem is trying to get the value of the key subscriberCount. The…
viewsSOLVED - How to read this JSON in PHP
Gentlemen, I am receiving the JSON via URL and I try to recover the values via PHP, but always this returning me the error: Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|Object, string Given in…
viewsHow to read a Json file in php
{"acao":"muda-quantidade","dados":{"nova-quantidade":"2","referencia":"produto-um"}} I’m learning Json,and I’m trying to read a json file in php and I’m not able to read the second array, (data), if…
viewsHow to deserialize a json to int?
I have a test json to see if my implementation worked in my code: string json = @"{'ItemHome':[{'Texto':'111','Icone':'aaaa','Color':'aaaa'}, {'Texto':'111','Icone':'aaaa','Color':'aaaa'},…
viewsAssign Json content to the PHP variable
Hail to you guys, I’m starting in the Webservice world and I’ve come across the following problem. The TOTVS Server via Rest, returns me exactly as follows: $resposta =…
viewsHow to delete a JSON within an Array in localStorage()
I’m creating an app for annotations and I would like to be able to delete the respective note, when the user clicks, I created this function but it is not returning anything to my localStorage(), I…
viewsPlace a pager in json
A friend helped with the code, but I need to make it display 5 results per page and have a pager like < >. var operacao = "selectOcorrencias"; var condominioID = "2";…
viewsTurn a string into json
I need to mount this json from a string and pass as parameter: I did that: string s = "{\"Matriz\":12, \"Filial\":21}"; At the click of my button I have this: private void Click_Service(object…
viewsHow to organize a JSON by date
I have this JSON and I must arrange it by data: { "clients": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Juca" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Beto" } ], "purchase": [ { "client_id": 1, "data": "11/04/2021", "total": 100.0 }, {…