Most voted "csv" questions
CSV (Comma-separated values) is a file format primarily used by Spreadsheet or Database applications to represent a data table. Its main characteristic, as the name already says, is to use only values and commas in its structure.
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viewsHow do I lower a csv file of 3 GB, to be able to import in pandas in google colab?
In the colab a mistake: "Session failed after using all available RAM. If you have interest in accessing execution environments with more RAM, check out Colab Pro." I wanted to decrease the csv file…
viewsHow to write read information from a . csv file to a C Language struct
I’m needing to open a . csv file and save your information in a struct array I need the way out: Code - Region - UF - Date But you’re being: Code - Region - UFDATA - DATA I would like to know what…
viewsDifficulty Merging Sequential Columns in a Dataframe with Pandas
I have two dates frames, the two have exactly the same index, the difference is that one has the columns 'week 9' until 'week 30', and the other has the columns 'week 31' until 'week 53'. Until now…
viewsStore CSV file data in a list
I am reading a 9 million-line CSV file, and I need to turn each line into an object and store it in a list or buffer to subsequently write to a random access file. When I try to add the investor…
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viewsDelete "," in the first and last line of a CSV
I have a csv that’s exported like this: +++ Host - Begin +++,, Name,Description test1,abc2 test2, abd3 +++ Host - End +++,, How do I get this result? +++ Host - Begin +++ Name,Description test1,abc2…
viewsHow to remove CSV file lines using PHP?
I need to remove the first two lines of a CSV file, it has some function for this in PHP?
viewsCan I use many IF’s in PHP?
I’m doing a project where I need to create a csv from a mysql table, to create the csv I need to follow the norms of type documents, when I went to write the code I realized that it would possess…
viewsMathematical operation with CSV files
Hello! imported a. csv file with some columns and I would like to do calculations with this data, but I don’t know how to do this. Example as it would be in excel:…
How do I read a file containing data separated by period and comma appear in the table in Pyhton? Initially I have two txt files, I am using the pandas library I need to generate a txt third and put…
viewsImport CSV into SQL Server
I tried to import a database using csv to a ready-made sql server base that we have deployed to other companies. But in the system when registering, a client for example, uses MAX(ID)+1 to generate…
views(Pandas) to_scv error in parameter Sep=
I am trying to play the content of a dataset on an scv, however the parameter SEP =';' stopped working. df.to_csv(path,r'\20191122_Consolidados_camara_de_retencao.csv', sep = ';') When trying to run…
viewsReplace specific strings in the dataframe with empty values
I have a file. csv I’m treating, and the column ap_residencia_status should only be populated with floats but is filled with strings (even numeric values are strings) and the values that should be…
viewsChanging the axes of a data histogram to improve data visualization
I am practicing a bit of data science for a college project with the information available on COVID19 and from there I am trying to estimate by graphs the distribution of age groups but when I was…
viewsReturn specific column with csv library
I have a sheet with 4 columns and 2 rows and I want to return the column age, without the column identifier, only the contents of the rows. Code: import csv def get_column_of_csv(filename, column):…
viewsHow to save a CSV in memory using Python?
Hello! I need to read a big CSV, break it into 1000-line Csvs, store them in memory and then reset a zip with these smaller files. This is the code so far: import pandas as pd from io import…
viewsHow to not write the header to a CSV every time you update the file
When I create a CSV file with header, every time I try to insert new items the header repeats. # Escrevendo o arquivo with open('Gerador.csv', 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as gravar:…
viewsHow to read a csv file by pandas without erasing the first number?
Hello, I have a.csv file and I want to read with the pandas library in Python. When I run the command it takes the first 0 from the sequence of numbers. Can someone help me with this? I want him to…
viewsI’m having trouble exporting CSV file in PHP
Can you help me gentlemen... I’m with a code that is exporting data to CSV, however, the body of the request is coming out together in the file. I would like to export only the data, without the…
viewsMultidimensional array how to remove a character from a given index?
The code below is the result of reading a CSV file, which transforms it into Array to treat it to create a new CSV to be imported with a new format. I want to remove the - that are in the phone…
viewsRead fields in CSV format with C#
Boas, I am currently developing an app (console app) to read data from a file in CSV format using C#. Right now I’m able to run all the fields without any kind of problem and show all the data.…
viewsPandas: Acceptance and rejection percentage
I have a dataset that contains some columns that inform me: user, situacao_requisicao, city. I would like to generate a csv that informs me the amount of requisicoes of each city, how many were…
viewsI need to find the duplicates inside a CSV and count them
I am trying to read the amount of repetitions in column A and B of a CSV and see the amount of times A and B are equal as the example below: input: [email protected] |…
viewsSaving csv file using python
I have the following problem: I have a csv file with multiple numbers. I read this file, pass a header and make the separation The problem happens when I try to save this data in a new csv file.…
viewsWhy is my function turning some strings into separate characters when sending them to the CSV file?
I created the function below to save the information of a Json to a CSV. But it saves what is being displayed in the OUTPUT. I need the information to stand next to each other and the words not to…
viewsSplit by columns in CSV conversion
I need to do a CRUD for student registration, and then soon after, convert this data to a spreadsheet, and for now, the save part to. csv is like this: alunos_json = json.dumps(alunos, indent=True)…
viewsHow to classify a.csv file column without using PHP Sort functions?
I need your help to complete a college activity. I have to sort the rows of a.csv file according to one of the columns and display the result. I could use the array_multisort, but I need to write it…
viewsProblems with CSV file (python)
I am using a basic code of a channel, but I would like to remove the data quarterly, so I changed the link of the original code only, but when trying to run the program I have a problem, I am…
viewsPrint of the smallest number of a pandas table
Hello, I have a CSV file with 1000 lines and 10 columns, one of the columns shows the age of the people, the minimum male age is 0 and the maximum is 96, but when giving the print the result comes…
viewsCount words in CSV file
I’m trying to read a CSV file and create a list of all the words in the file and how many times it appears. Originally the file was in PDF, but I thought it could be simpler to read in csv. I’m…
viewsHow to generate csv through lines
I need to generate one. csv through a row I’ve managed to turn into a column, but I’m not able to break this column into other columns. Example: I had the following information in 4 tabs of my…
viewsExport data from an object to a csv file with PHP
I am trying to export data from the database to a CSV file, but all functions I find to perform such a function present certain type of error. I’m performing the entire search in the database with…
viewsImport csv with pandas. Column values with semicolon. What to do?
I’m importing CSV files with pandas to do a data wipe. And I’m finding a problem. Some values have ';' . For example: df[0][1] = "STREET A ; " I import csv through: df = pd.read_csv('GUAXUPE.csv',…
viewsverification and addition in CSV and PHP
I need my script every time I submit write a new line in my file. csv as is and does not replace the line that already exists, and also make a check if there is already a $email already registered…
viewsWrite multiple csv files in Python
Hello! My question is the following: I wrote a program that, with the information I enter, it will collect a number of links (that number varies) and will store them in a csv. Then he will open each…
viewsHow to pass CSV file data to an array in Java?
I have a. CSV file with several numbers in two columns (1032,54832). I need to take these numbers and pass them to an array. How do I do this? I made a code to import the file and I can display the…
viewsNumeric types to Aggregate error
I’m making a program based on a file .csv, but when I run the program the error occurs No numeric types to aggregate. File part: datatime,app version,gender,money 02/09/2019,4,F,$7.43…
viewsTurn a list into a python pandas csv
I have the following code that scraps data from an auction site: lista = [] for pagina in range(1,34): url =…
viewsHow to scroll through a . csv file and jump to the next line via Javascript?
I have a file .csv with 3 columns separated by comma, I need to go through this file and each row skip to the next until the end of the file, but when going through this file in my for it is always…
viewsSelect separated by semicolon to xls
I have the following code: var cmd = @"SELECT mt.Id + ';' + mt.Nome + ';' + mt.Cidade AS Resultado FROM MinhaTable mt"; var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext; var result =…
viewsSyntax error while reading CSV file
I am trying, from a csv table, to remove certain information that is not useful to me, but in the code there is an error, according to python 3, but I can not notice the error. The error is on line…
viewsUnable to Import csv file into pandas
Good guys, I’m trying to import a csv file into pandas through the code below: import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('pop.csv') He can’t find the file under any circumstances! Note: The file is in…
viewsDatabase in CSV
If everyone while creating applications on the WEB ,Desktop or Mobile needs to export or import data type csv because they have not created a DATABASE MANAGER SYSTEM in csv ? Answer: Is there…