Most voted "css" questions
Cascading Style Sheets (or simply CSS) is a style language used to define the presentation of documents written in a markup language, such as HTML or XML. Its main benefit is to provide the separation between the format and content of a document.
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viewsHow do I position menu next to each other - CSS
I am trying to create a dropdown menu, which opens the sub-menu down the button, is working properly until this part. But I would like the menu buttons (DIV’s) to be next to each other. But it’s…
viewsI’m trying to get the box-shadow off my accordion-item, but I can’t
.col-flex { display: inline-block; } .accordion-item { box-shadow: none !important; } .button1 { text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Arial'; font-weight: 500; padding-left: 2rem; padding-right:…
viewsHow change background intro card
This is origanal code: body { padding: 50px; } .game-card2 { overflow: hidden; position: relative; display: inline-block; } .game-card2 + .game-card2 { margin-left: 16px; } .game-card2:hover {…
viewsWhen printing on firefox or Chrome add table borders
I’m making a code which is a form using Tables(html), at the moment of preview of the printing of the code add some borders, but when leaving the print is normal... Would you have any solution?.…
viewsWhy this code is not responsive to Justify-content
#div-header { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; /*abreviação de flex-direction e flex-wrap*/ align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; } <header> <div id="div-header">…
viewsHow to change menu colors?
When we create a menu with Bootstrap, it by default, creates a black band throughout the menu area. It looks beautiful like this. However, in the company I’m in, the predominant color is magenta, so…
viewsTools for working with Graphics
I need to search data in a database and make graphs with it,I believe that the search of the database is normal what changes is the tool to make the graph. My doubts are: -What is the best tool to…
viewsInternet Explorer does not recognize CSS classes that work properly in other browsers
The site I developed in Wordpress does not open properly in Internet Explorer. I noticed that Internet Explorer is not finding the styles correctly. Website:…
viewswould like to know how I do this effect aque in css
I would like to know how I do this effect under a cd aque in css my site and that I want to do where the arrow is indicating…
viewsdifficulty working with CSS in responsiveness
look at my page; CSS; @CHARSET "UTF-8"; body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #topo { width: 100%; height: 500px; background-color: #000000; margin: 0 auto; } #logo{ position:relative; top:0px; border:…
viewsWhen is the real need to use Javascript?
I’m new to the world of development, and I started with the Front-End. I’ve been looking to specialize in HTML, CSS and especially Javascript, but over time I’ve been realizing that with the…
viewsPHP - how to use placeholders for form validation messages
Hello, I am using placeholders to send error and successful form submission messages within the inputs themselves. Placeholders are gray. When the form is sent, if there is an error, the error msg…
viewsChange php variable value through media queries
I need to change the variable value of a function according to the screen resolution (when reducing the screen the value has to be updated immediately). You can change this value through CSS media…
viewsHow to use css align for tables
Galley as I mount this table in css? <table border="0" align="right"> I want to know how to align a table right using css.
viewsI need to create a button with this code and I’m not getting it!
I need to make a button that has that code: <a href="#" class="manual-optin-trigger" data-optin-slug="pulwhi4lm1-lightbox" style="color:black">Quero Me Cadastrar</a> All I see is "You…
viewsCSS - How I do this effect in the div of this site
Galley, In the link below, the top of the site, that is, the header that is the background photo along with the menu, they occupy the whole screen of the browser, indifernete de ser pc, tablet ou…
viewsWhere to insert JS and CSS files into HTML?
Thinking of performance, in which part of HTML should I insert CSS and JS files. I know which JS files should be inserted before closing the tag </body> not to block charging and if possible…
viewsResponsive content with side remaining
Guys, I’m trying to pass content to responsive, but I’m having difficulties, I followed some articles on the internet, and I got this result However I’m not able to make the content stay 100% is…
viewsHow to create a drop-down list in html?
Can you create something like this with html? Or what is best used to create?…
viewsCould someone help me to leave a Responsive content?
Well I am creating a vertical one page site, and I wanted to create a standard content to use in all sections of the page ( to be able to leave centralized ) Could someone help me? I was trying to…
viewsHow to align A better HTML text
Good want to Align a text or an image anywhere on the screen for example: Um texto aqui outro outro aqui e aqui…
viewsHow to create a cool color input?
I was creating a form where the person would have the option to choose a color, as I didn’t want the person to write the color or because I thought it was cool to put an input of type color…
viewsSeparate the registration form by category
I have a form and would like to separate by equal categories consists of example in the image, which in the case has "Login Data" and "Contact Data" How do you do that? Thank you…
viewsSearch a Input word in a TXT and find words that are in the same line in PHP
Example of TXT file: John;1 Peter;2 Marlon;3 Luke;4 etc.... By typing only the name in the Input I need that too the user ID appears, Example of Input: Marlon and when you type only name in Input,…
viewsHow to merge images and text to turn into a single photo?
Can someone tell me how to work the save button? I want to put for when press the "save userbar" button, save in an image all the content that is in the div "userbar". I tried using html2canvas but…
viewsI can’t apply CSS to input button
My code is this: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <input type="button" value="Clique aqui para comprar" class="splashywaves-effect splashywaves-light splashybtn"…
viewsAid in web development
Hello, everybody! I am learning how to develop websites and would like a help, on the website of the editor I use, Tom, has an "animation" that I found fantastic. Follow the website link:…
viewsHow to open link in a specific part of a new tab
I want when the person clicks on a link to open a new tab in a specific part of the new tab.
viewsHow do I create a theme for the same textarea as VS Code?
I wanted to make the textarea in html that it had different color with each character. But when I use color css everything is the same. How can I get out of this problem? <textarea style='color:…
viewsHow to hide/show one div at a time with Javascript?
function show() { var x = document.getElementsByClassName('bla').style.display; if (x == "none") { document.getElementsByClassName('bla').style.display = "inline"; } else {…
viewsHow to Leave Banner at the Right Time
I am trying unsuccessfully to leave a banner with a shorter height, I have already inspected the code and I believe I have found the code for change, I have put in the body of the page this code:…
cssasked 5 years, 4 months ago adventistapr 5,498 -
viewsAuthenticate user and password from another page
I need to create a form and send "POST" method the data to authenticate on another site. I would like to know how it is done, even pq when pressing the "Log in" button you have to access normally as…
viewsProblems with bootstrap responsiveness
I’m developing a project, but I’m having problems with responsiveness issues, when the site changes to different screens like: mobile phones, tablets and other devices. It breaks all your layout,…
viewsLeave inline images in a div overflow
Well, I’m trying to make a "slider" with the use of css overflow, but I’m having problems because I can’t align the images. When I give 100% width to div The images are in 2 columns below each…
viewsMarking a checkbox as selected
I have a list of filters with checkbox on a page and wanted one of those selections to be marked as active by clicking on a banner that will be inside that page. Example: <img src=""…
viewsHow to make a div appear by clicking javascript button
Good afternoon, The goal was after clicking on the "check Dispanibility" button, a div already created but hidden (display: None), appeared. I was doing it through javascrip. I was doing with the…
viewsHow to center the text of a div in Javascript?
I’m starting now with JS, I created a div and wanted the text inside it to always be in the center of the box. How can I do that? What I have so far : div#CaixaPrincipal{ background: white; width:…
cssasked 4 years, 9 months ago Alex Junior Pereira 43 -
viewsHow to inhibit the effect of logo enhancement on mobile
I already thank the one who is willing to help me. First I understand the basics of html and css, and I’m setting up an online store with a template already ready, I’m just adding what I need and…
viewsChange color of partition
How can I change the color of a "hr partition" "" I tried the following codes in the CSS tab of the file: .hr{ color: #29303b; } hr{ color: #29303b; }…
viewsHow do I put a background image in CSS using PHP?
I’m trying to put a background image by css using PHP, which means the image I want to put in the background is inside the database. I open the php tags inside the background URL background-image:…
viewsHow do I create a vertical spacing between Ivs in css?
I have the following problem, I created a component of a button and I put it inside a div, I replicated bone for 3 buttons, I wanted to know if you have any property in css to give a vertical…
viewsHow do I center vertically and horizontally on css?
Age calculation body{ text-align: center; justify-items: center; } </style> <h1>Calcular idade a partir da data de nascimento</h1> <h3>Digite a sua data de nascimento para…
viewslocal network audio and html playback
I need to know how to make a script that captures audio from one page and transmits that same audio on another page at the same time with minimum possible delay all this on a site hosted on a local…
viewsCategory Filter
I’m trying to implement the following category filter on my site, but I’m not succeeding.updated code with the 2 filters. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">…
viewsNeed to Align HTML + CSS imputs
I need to line up these imputs body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 17px; line-height: 1.6; } #btnRefresh { background-color: #6a9ce6; } .button { background: rgb(60, 163,…
viewscss / Attachment
I got a problem. When I use any other Attachment the image becomes normal: But when I use the Fixed to accompany the scroll it gives an absurd zoom: CSS: @import…
viewsWhy doesn’t my page resize and how to make it resize?
In full screen is like this: But when I put it on a smaller screen it looks like this: HTML code: <!DOCTYPE> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="_css/estilo.css">…
viewsWhich link should I use in my event page article? for it to open and load individually?
Hello guys I’m having a doubt that’s keeping me awake. On my page index.html have a < section > calling for EVENTS, and I also have a page called html events. In the html events. I have some…
viewsLink button is not clickable
The problem is that I cannot click the button or the icon, how do I fix it? Code: .heroimg{ position: relative; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('../img/fjords.png');…
viewsBrowser does not open HTML with CSS
<html> <head> <style> body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } #box1{ height: 100vh; width: 100%; background-image: url(i1.jpg); …
cssasked 6 years ago jones_root 43