Clone data insertion box from with jQuery


Viewed 1,985 times


I wanted to make it work with js(jQuery) the interface below: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I am using the CSS Foundation framework to develop this project. However, I don’t know how to make a clone using the jQuery of this combo where the inputs are. In fact I want that the moment the user clicks on more it dynamically add one more line equal to the first to enter more records.

The HTML of this record is below:

 <form action="">
    <div class="row box_pergunta">
        <div class="large-8 columns">
           <input name="pergunta" type="text">

        <div class="large-2 columns">
            <select name="">
                <option value="antes">Antes</option>
                <option value="depois">Depois</option>

        <div class="large-2 columns">
            <input type="button" class="button tiny success btn_remove" value="Remover" style="margin: 1.375rem 0 0 1.5625rem; ">

I’m already using jQuery in the project.

2 answers


You can clone the existing element like this:


    $('.box_pergunta:first').clone().appendTo($('form')); // clona o primeiro elemento e adiciona ao final do form
    $('.box_pergunta').last().find('input[type="text"]').val(''); // limpa o campo do novo elemento clonado, pois se já foi preenchido clona junto o valor...

$('form').on('click', '.btn_remove', function(e){

    // verifica se tem mais de 1 elemento
    if ($('.box_pergunta').length > 1) 
        $(this).parents('.box_pergunta').remove(); // tem mais de 1, permite remover


see working on Jsfiddle


A suggested implementation would be to have a hidden model, and when the user clicks the clone button, clone with jQuery and do append in the form, example:

Demo Jsfiddle


<form action="">
     <div class="small-12 columns text-right">
         <button type="button" class="small tiny alert clonador">Mais</button>
    <div class="row box_pergunta hide">
        <div class="small-8 columns">
            <input name="pergunta" type="text"/>

        <div class="small-2 columns">
            <select name="">
                <option value="antes">Antes</option>
                <option value="depois">Depois</option>

        <div class="small-2 columns">
            <input type="button" class="button tiny success btn_remove" value="Remover" style="margin: 1.375rem 0 0 1.5625rem; "/>
     <div class="row box_pergunta">
        <div class="small-8 columns">
            <input name="pergunta" type="text"/>

        <div class="small-2 columns">
            <select name="">
                <option value="antes">Antes</option>
                <option value="depois">Depois</option>

        <div class="small-2 columns">
            <input type="button" class="button tiny success btn_remove" value="Remover" style="margin: 1.375rem 0 0 1.5625rem; "/>


    //clona o modelo oculto, clone(true) para copiar também os manipuladores de eventos
    $clone = $('.box_pergunta.hide').clone(true);
    //remove a classe que oculta o modelo do elemento clonado
    //adiciona no form
//Para remover

NOTE: You will also need to manipulate the names form elements, dynamically, or use as array -> name="mensagem[]"

  • How do I make the green button (remove) to work? In case, remove the line on which it is clicked.

  • 1

    @Luitame edited the answer by adding the remove function.

  • on the JS to remove the box it only works in the first box of the list. In the ones that are cloned the script does not work. What I can do?

  • 1

    @Luitame you added the true as a parameter in clone(true)?

  • Everything works normal friend just don’t remove button

  • 1

    @Luitame see in the example that is working, but if you remove the true of function clone(), remove button does not work on cloned elements, parameter true causes event handlers to be cloned as well

  • This true that you refer to is in JS? Where is it? I took a look but do not identify it.

  • @Luitame Yes, it’s in JS $clone = $('.box_pergunta.hide').clone(true);

  • Now after I reset the True is working beautifully. Thank you @abfurlan

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