I have a base Sqlserver 2008 where all users can connect to it via Windows domain, this works properly via SQL Management Studio.
I am making a C# Application in MVC, and I wanted that when the user accesses the site, I could take this login and password of windows and pass to mount my Connection String.
My String Connection is like this:
conexao = new SqlConnection("Data Source=vc9;Initial Catalog=sgt;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name='Controle de Sprint';Pooling=False;User ID=dominio\\usuario;Password=senha;");
So it works, but I can’t get via C# to catch the Windows user of the user who is accessing the site.
It’s got to be done?
Each user opens a new connection in their database? You can get the user who is logged in, however, the password is not possible.
– Randrade
Yeah, I wanted every user to log in, because at the bank I wanted to know who’s connected. I wanted him to open the site and not ask for the user and password, connect directly.
– lionbtt
Do not edit your question for more information. Probably this error is in the form that set up your pool. Open another question stating how it is configured, explaining the error further.
– Randrade