
Java Media Framework is a set of libraries that empowers Java to handle data streaming, especially video and audio, not exclusively.

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Lazy Load (Lazy Loading) is a data loading strategy aggregated by a data framework in order to bring the aggregate data as late as possible.

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Early Loading (Eager Loading) is a data loading strategy aggregated by a data framework in order to bring the aggregate data as soon as possible.

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Use this tag when you have a Cocos2dx project using C++.

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MD6 Message-Digest Algorithm is a cryptographic hash function. It uses a sort of Merkle tree as a structure to allow immense parallel computation of hashes for very long…

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Storm is a distributed system for real-time processing. Similar to how Hadoop provides a set of general primitives for batch processing, Storm provides a set of general …

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Twitter4j is a library that allows calls to the Twitter API via the Java language. With Twitter4j, you can easily integrate your Java application with Twitter services. …

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Vitamio is an open multimedia framework for Android and iOS, with full hardware and real accelerated decoding and renderer.

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Alamofireimage is an image component library for Alamofire.

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Bitnami is a library of installers or software packages for web applications and development stacks as well as virtual devices. Bitnami is sponsored by bitrock , a compa…

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Fabric is developed by Twitter, is a modular platform for developing and building applications for Android, iOS, tvOS and Web. Not to be confused with the Fabric library…

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zlib is a library used for data compression.

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Q.js is a Promises library for Javascript

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Components created by Devexpress for ASP.NET Web Forms.

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D is a multi-paradigm programming language developed by Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu. D is an open source of collaboration.

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It is a control of type```Combobox used to present to the end user a list for choosing some data, Its advantage and that along with it, comes a``Xtragrid`, where the lis…

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The Netezza appliance consists of a high performance hardware platform along with an optimized database that working together support a wide variety of data analysis and…

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Makes it possible to compress and decompress files in RAR, ZIP and many other compression formats.

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Qxorm is a C++ library designed to provide Relational Object (ORM) mapping resource for C users ++.

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Voicexml (vxml) is designed to create audio dialog boxes that have synthesized voice, digitized audio, recognition of spoken voice input and DTMF, recording of spoken co…

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Linkedhashmap is a Hash table and implementation of the list linked to the Map interface in the Java Standard library. This implementation provides a predictable iterati…

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Discontinued in the computational field, means that some product or software has been stopped; development has been suspended; has gone off-line; is no longer produced o…

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The Service Container is a tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection.

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Pervasive.SQL is a high-performance cross-platform database manager designed to be used in any type of application, simple or complex.

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Torrent is the extension of files used by a P2P type transfer protocol (Peer to Peer).

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Visual Basic Power Packs are additional controls for Windows Forms, not included in Visual Studio.

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OOXML (Office Open XML) is an XML-based and compressed file format. It was developed by Microsoft for the representation of documents, spreadsheets, charts and presentat…

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WOW.js is a Javascript library that allows you to use Animate.css combined with scroll, as the scroll occurs it reveals the elements or images. http://mynameismatthieu.c…

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Small Basic is a simplified version of the BASIC language, aimed at programming learning. If your doubt is not directly linked to Small Basic do not use this tag even if…

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