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date-fns is a Javascript library for date manipulation

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It is a CSS Framework for Custom Interfaces

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Akka is an open source tool to simplify the construction of concurrent and distributed applications in the JVM using the actor model.

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Sparkleshare is an Opensource file collaboration and synchronization tool between various devices that is designed to keep things simple. It allows you to save your phot…

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Zebrad tables are tables with lines interspersed with different colors.

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MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) is a Microsoft partition responsible for monitoring the company’s relationship with software developers and testers. This relationship…

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A loop run is an event processing loop that you use to schedule tasks and coordinate the reception of incoming events.

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The Gregorian calendar is the de facto international calendar, and is currently the official calendar of most countries (there are countries that have other official cal…

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Local variables have a limited range, a general function or a functional block. Comparing with global variables, which are accessible from any part of a program.

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"Flood" is a type of denial-of-service network attack (Dos), which consists of generating numerous TCP requests intended to overload a web server and result in decelerat…

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Pagemethods is a feature of the ASP.NET platform for use with Ajax that exposes page methods through structured Ulrs.

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Infotypes are existing information units in the SAP Systems Human Resource Management System.

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The Qftp class provides a direct FTP interface that allows you to have more control over requests.

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X-Tag is a small Javascript library made by Mozilla to add support for Custom Elements Components for all modern browsers.

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Gravatar, a globally recognized avatar (Globally Recognized Avatar), is an avatar service that provides avatars via association to registered email addresses for a varie…

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dpkg is a complement to apt-get, which allows installing manually downloaded . deb packages.

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Shim (shim) is a technique to bring new feature compatibility to an older platform, unlike polyfill Shim usually does not have an identical result to new platforms, it m…

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quantmod is a package for R to help traders develop, test and deploy trading models using statistics.

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