
This tag is intended for translations of applications into the Portuguese language, both user interface and source code.

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Frame (English: frame or frame) is each of the frames or still images of an audiovisual product.

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SQL Server’s "varbinary" data type is declared with a length specification in the CREATE TABLE statement.

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Image file containing several smaller images to be used separately in an application. On the web, it is a widely used resource to reduce the number of requests to the se…

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Logging is an expression used to describe the process of recording relevant events in a computer system.

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Google Web Toolkit is an open source web framework for creating applications with Ajax technology in Java programming language.

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jqPlot is a graphics plotting plugin for the jQuery framework. jqPlot produces beautiful lines, bars and pie charts. If the question is not about "jqPlot", do not use th…

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Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation rather than general symbolic manipulations.

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A workflow (workflow) is a model for organizing work items.

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Jcrop is a jQuery plugin that adds image cropping functionality to web applications.

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Internet Protocol (IP) is a communication protocol used between two or more networked machines for data forwarding.

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HHVM is an open source virtual machine designed for running programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time compilation approach to achieve superior performan…

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Term, usually associated with computer science, that defines something that works autonomously.

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Microsoft XNA is a framework for game development for Windows Pcs, Xbox 360 console and Windows Phone 7.

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GNU General Public License (General Public License), GNU GPL or simply GPL, is the designation of the free software license devised by Richard Matthew Stallman in 1989 u…

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Yeoman generates scaffoldis for a new project, writes its build configuration (for example Gruntfile, Gulpfile) and does Pulling on relevant build tasks. If the doubt is…

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Userscripts refers primarily to Javascript extensions used in web browsers. Used to automate or customize actions, design, or other aspects of user experience.

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It should be used whenever the "throw" command is used preponderantly in the problem. This command throws an exception. In some languages has another name, such as "rais…

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Plesk is a control panel that has the function of providing the client (from a hosting plan) a graphical environment for setting parameters for hosting accounts on a giv…

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Bittorrent is a network protocol that allows the user to download (download) files, usually indexed in websites. This protocol introduced the concept of sharing what has…

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Mercurial is a cross-platform Distributed Version Control tool (Distributed Version Control Systems - DVCS) for software developers.

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