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This tag should be used when the question refers to some resource related to the DRY principle. If it is about code refactoring another community may be more useful. DRY…

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Videojs is an open-source Javascript framework for embedding and working with HTML5 and Flash video. It uses the HTML5 video tag as an embed code and has a common HTML /…

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HDF5 is a data model, library and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of data types and is designed for flexible and efficient I/…

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Use this tag on application-related issues involving digital currency transactions. Bitcoin is a digital currency of the decentralized cryptocurrency type and also an al…

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Protect(ed) is a form of encapsulation commonly used in object-oriented programming by restricting access to the members of an object to certain objects. This varies in …

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Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information, or problem relating exclusively to the Logo language. Logo is a computer programming language, creat…

5 questions