What is "asp.net-mvc-5"

The ASP.NET MVC is an open source Microsoft framework that implements the Model View Controller architecture standards for web development. Based on ASP.NET, it allows software developers to build web applications following the Model View Controller architecture standards, featuring a variety of features following recent trends.

The approach Model-View-Controller (of the acronym, MVC) is an interface standard that proposes the separation of the application into three main components, which are: the model (from English, model), the vision (from English, view) and the controller (from English, controller).

  • A controller (controller) you can send commands to your associated view to change the presentation of the template view (for example, scrolling through a document). It can also send commands to the template to update the model’s state (for example, by editing a document).
  • A model (model) notifies its associated views and controllers when there is a change in its state. This notification allows the views to produce up-to-date outputs and controllers to change the available set of commands. A passive implementation of MVC mounts these notifications because the application does not need them or the software platform does not support them.
  • The vision (view) requests from the model the information it needs to generate an output representation.

MVC - Model View Controller

The ASP.Net MVC framework is an alternative to ASP.Net Webforms that implements the MVC standard for building web applications. In addition, ASP.Net MVC proposes clarity in its implementation, allowing the framework to be extensible at various points and highly testable. It also integrates with existing ASP.Net Webforms features such as Masterpages, Memberships and Authentication.

ASP.Net MVC is set next to Assembly System.Web.MVC.

Currently its version is the 5.0 and is present at Visual Studio 2013.

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Specific features of this version:

  • Basic Form Post with a MVC standard
  • Updatemodel and Tryupdatemodel Methods
  • Error Scenario Handling - Restating Forms with Error Messages
  • Indentity Asp.Net
  • Bootstrap on MVC model
  • Authentication filters
  • Filter replacements