I am using a script* to enable a button when two validations are made. The first one checks the format, and the second one if the initial date is lower than the final one, but I’m having some problems to include more fields with the same functionality, and correct some inconsistencies.
I created a FIDDLE to demonstrate the operation in practice, and follows below the code with verifiable example. The script already does the validation (both formatting and comparison) before opening the button, but:
- It only works when you lose focus, I wish it was as with
(when to release the key), but if there’s no way it can only be when you lose focus yourself; - If the user, after the button has been opened, changes the date to an invalid format (or is shorter than
another that should be larger), the button nay is disabled (and I need it to be). I need it is not possible for the user to "screen pass" (trade in
, see fiddle) without the format being correct, and observe the initial date condition < final date; - The last date, which makes the comparison with the second, arrives to open the
with the error message (when the date is shorter or is in the wrong format), but still sends the form (what wasn’t supposed to happen); - The field accepts letters, and only after that
loses focus it gives the message that the format is wrong. I wanted the field do not accept letters, only numbers (it is possible to do with Regexp not? ) not even the
which causes problems because the user sometimes tries to type it.
I am open to other solutions, including with plugins other than that I’m wearing To check the formatting, but I already know that I went a long way looking for another solution and did not find. Either the plugin/script validates the formatting, or validates the comparison of the dates, and I need both.
Follows the code:
// Chama o form.validator
modules: 'date'
// Cria uma classe que verifica se o form.validator foi true, e abre o botão.
.on('validation', function (evt, valid) {
var validou = document.getElementById('validou').value = valid ? "true" : "false";
/* Verifica SE a data está OK */
if (validou === "true") {
verificar(); // chama o script abaixo antes de abrir o botão se o formato está correto
var primeiradata = document.getElementById('Cinsem');
var segundadata = document.getElementById('Cdesl22');
var terceiradata = document.getElementById('Cinsem2');
var quartadata = document.getElementById ('Cdesl223');
var quintadata = document.getElementById('Cdatapgtos');
function gerarData(str) {
var partes = str.split("/");
return new Date(partes[2], partes[1] - 1, partes[0]);
function verificar() {
var primeira = primeiradata.value;
var segunda = segundadata.value;
var terceira = terceiradata.value;
var quarta = quartadata.value;
var quinta = quintadata.value;
if (primeira.length != 10 || segunda.length != 10) {
if (gerarData(segunda) >= gerarData(primeira)) {
$('#startBtnseg').removeAttr('disabled', 'disabled');
else {
$('#startBtnseg').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (terceira.length != 10 || quarta.length != 10) {
if (gerarData(quarta) >= gerarData(terceira)) {
$('#startBtnseg2').removeAttr('disabled', 'disabled');
else {
$('#startBtnseg2').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (quinta.length != 10 || segunda.length != 10){
if (gerarData(quinta) < gerarData(segunda)){
$('#startBtnseg3').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
else {
$('#startBtnseg3').removeAttr('disabled', 'disabled');
.message1 {
font-size: 10pt;
color: red;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-form-validator/2.1.47/jquery.form-validator.min.js"></script>
<div class="container textWord_about" data-link="first">
<label class="btn" for="Cinsem">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>Primeira data
<input class="form-control checar" type="text" maxlength="10" placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa"
onkeyup="formatar('##/##/####', this, event)" name="Tinsem3" id="Cinsem"
data-validation="birthdate" data-validation-error-msg="Insira uma data válida"
<label class="btn" for="Cdesl22">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>Segunda data
<input type="text" class="form-control checar" name="Tdesl" maxlength="10" data-validation="date"
data-validation-format="dd/mm/yyyy" data-validation-error-msg="Insira uma data válida" placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa"
onkeyup="formatar('##/##/####', this, event)" id="Cdesl22"></label>
<!-- Espelho de #aniv1,porém do tipo "date" -->
<label for="Cdesl222"></label>
<input type="date" id="Cdesl222" name="Cdesl22" class="checar" hidden="hidden" />
<!-- Auxilia na validação. Pode ser um DIV também mas precisará alterar o código -->
<label for="validou"></label>
<input type="text" id="validou" name="validou" hidden="hidden" class ="checar" value="false" />
<div class="message1 " id="message1" style="display:none;"><br><br>A segunda data deve ser igual ou posterior à primeira data.</div>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm link" id="startBtnseg" name="TstartBtnseg"
data-link="dois" onkeyup="verificar()" disabled="disabled">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"> Ir para próximas datas</i></button>
A segunda data deve ser <b>igual ou maior</b> que a primeira, e ambas devem estar
no formato correto (ou seja, não pode aceitar letras, nem mês acima de 13 etc) para abrir o botão.
Caso o usuário, antes de submeter o formulário (ou depois, se ele voltar) faça qualquer alteração
que torne o formato inválido, ou torne a data final menor que a inicial, o botão deve ser desabilitado.
O ideal é que a habilitação/desabilitação do botão seja feita com onkeyup (assim que o usuário
tirar a pressão da tecla), mas se não tiver jeito pode ser só quando perder o foco mesmo (e eu criaria uma botão
"falso" para "Checar data", onde o usuário clicaria apenas para o campo perder o foco e realziar a validação).
<div class="container textWord_about" data-link="dois">
<label class="btn" for="Cinsem2">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>Terceira data
<input class="form-control checar" type="text" maxlength="10" placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa"
onkeyup="formatar('##/##/####', this, event)" name="Tinsem3" id="Cinsem2"
data-validation="birthdate" data-validation-error-msg="Insira uma data válida"
<label class="btn" for="Cdesl223">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>Quarta data
<input type="text" class="form-control checar" name="Tdesl" maxlength="10" data-validation="date"
data-validation-format="dd/mm/yyyy" data-validation-error-msg="Insira uma data válida" placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa"
onkeyup="formatar('##/##/####', this, event)" id="Cdesl223"></label>
<!-- Espelho de #aniv1,porém do tipo "date" -->
<label for="Cdesl222"></label>
<input type="date" id="Cdesl2223" name="Cdesl223" class="checar" hidden="hidden" />
<!-- Auxilia na validação. Pode ser um DIV também mas precisará alterar o código -->
<label for="validou"></label>
<input type="text" id="validou3" name="validou" hidden="hidden" class ="checar" value="false" />
<div class="message1" id="message2" style="display:none;"><br><br>A data quarta data deve ser posterior à terceira data.</div>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm link" id="startBtnseg2"
data-link="tres" onkeyup="verificar()" disabled="disabled">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"> Próximas!</i></button>
Igual a primeira tela, considerando entre a terceira e a quarta datas.
<div class="container textWord_about" id="menu_about" data-link="tres">
<label class="btn" for="Cdatapgtos">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i> Quinta data
<input type="text" id="Cdatapgtos" name="Tdatapagtos" class="form-control checar" maxlength="10"
placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa" onkeyup="formatar('##/##/####', this, event)"></label>
<div class="message1 " id="message3" style="display:none;">A quinta data deve ser igual ou posterior à segunda data.</div>
<button type="submit" id="startBtnseg3" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onkeyup="verificar()">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok">Submeter formulário</i></button>
A quinta data deve ser <b>IGUAL OU POSTERIOR</b> à <b>SEGUNDA DATA</b>, e ambas devem
estar no formato correto para que o formulário seja submetido. O botão de submeter
o formulário precisa estar habilitado, e será desabilitado caso as validações não ocorram (formato de data e comparação
com segunda data). Da mesma forma seria interessante com onkeyup, mas pode ser quando clicar no botão.
O campo não é obrigatório, mas caso seja preenchido é feita a validação, e habilitado/desabilitado.
<script> // ALTERNA AS DIV's
$('.link').click(function() {
$('.textWord_about[data-link=' + $(this).data('link') + ']').fadeIn('slow');
function formatar(mascara, documento, e) {
var code = e.keyCode || e.code;
if (code == 8 || code == 46 || code == 37 || code == 39) return;
var i = documento.value.length;
var saida = mascara.substring(0, 1);
var texto = mascara.substring(i);
if (texto.substring(0, 1) != saida) {
documento.value += texto.substring(0, 1);
Several users here of Sopt helped me to implement this script. See the series of questions:
Apparently it’s perfect! I’ll check it out in a little while, but I tested the rules here and it looks like it’s perfect! Thanks!
– gustavox
I added information about the
at the end of the answer also be interested.– Maicon Carraro
@Gustavox any questions about any line, can speak :)
– Maicon Carraro
Yes, I’ll study straight to learn, and I’ll ask anything. : ) But I just tested it here in the project and it seems that it was better than it was in various aspects (beyond what I thought). Now for example we can no longer enter with invalid date, because the script itself changes the location of the number (typing 4 at the beginning of the month turns automatic into month 4, thus preventing month 44 for example), being very similar to the field
input type:date
except for the window with the calendar (which only disturbs when the date is not in the first days of the calendar...). Even worth!– gustavox
yes this plugin is excellent, a pity still not working right in the latest version, I made a test to put only
and it also hangs! :)– Maicon Carraro
A shame really, but it’s working right, and I use the most current jQuery and gave no problem in any other script... It’s perfect! :-)
– gustavox
Must be able to handle invalid dates (month
and date with only0
s) within theoncomplete
: if it is not valid at all, returnfalse
.– falsarella
@fake plugin already treats this before arriving at oncomplete :)
– Maicon Carraro
@Maiconcarraro I say this in case I use the plugin in the version I said was in trouble: ...a pity it still doesn’t work right in the latest version, I did a test to put only
and it also hangs...– falsarella