Automatically save to Default Folder C#


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Can someone tell me the C# method for saving a document to a default folder in Code? In this case wanted the program to automatically save itself to the Desktop.

This is the code I currently have on the button, but I intend to do it right on Load.

 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      SaveFileDialog salvar = new SaveFileDialog();
        salvar.Filter = "Ficheiro de Configuração|*.cnf";
        salvar.DefaultExt = "txt";
        DialogResult salvou = salvar.ShowDialog();
        if (salvou == DialogResult.OK)
            StreamWriter sw = null;
                sw = new StreamWriter(salvar.FileName);
                MessageBox.Show("Gravado com Sucesso!", "Sucesso",
            catch (IOException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("IOException:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Exception : \r\n\r\n" + ex.Message);
                if (sw != null)


  • What kind of document? What do you mean 'automatically'?

  • @williamhk2 I have a textbox with written values. I currently have a button that when clicking, opens the Savedialog, now I wanted it to be automatically in Load, that is, when opening the Form, whatever is inside the textbox will save the file . txt on Desktop. Cumps.

  • Could you post the code snippet? and describe what you commented, in the question?

  • 1

    Already a friend @williamhk2.

  • Beauty ;) @Godfathersantana

1 answer


In its function associated with the event FormLoad:

private void YourForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
    var fileName = Path.Combine(folder, "NomeFixoDoArquivo.cnf");

    File.WriteAllText(fileName, txtConfig.Text);

Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop is one of the ways to recover the logged user’s desktop folder.

File.WriteAllText(fileName, txtConfig.Text) allows you to write all the contents of the file at once.

  • Perfect friend @Jonnypiazzi! And you can open a folder on the Desktop and put that file inside it?

  • And by the way, then in the other form, I want the program to open the file you saved, that is, the "Filename.cnf".

  • the variable fileName has the file name. You can run this same code in the other form and open the file.

  • Moreover the class File has a method File.ReadAllText which reads all the contents of a file and returns a string. For more details please ask another question. And don’t forget to mark it as the correct answer if it helped you.

  • Amigo @Jonnypiazzi how do I get the other form to open with an Openfiledialog the file you saved? She has to automatically retrieve the file name that was saved.

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