How to add Jquery to Electron?


Viewed 2,040 times


I’m web developer, I’ve tried methods in an English post, but... none works, I want to add Jquery in the electon.

I’ve used this one without window.$ doesn’t work.

<script src=''></script>

I tried with window.$ was working but stopped working for some unknown reason...

<script src='' onclick='window.$ = window.jQuery = module.exports;'></script>

Does anyone know any script to make Jquery work?

I want to leave him in mine main.js (index.js) instead of leaving it on a web page if possible. If it doesn’t, I leave it on the web page itself.

  • Have you ever tried something like const $ = require('jquery')?

1 answer


You need to use the Node to install jQuery so you can use it on the server-side.

See below:

npm install jQuery

Then just include the jQuery package (like suggested by Anderson Carlos Woss):

var $ = require('jQuery');

In the illustration example below, I include the package in the file index.html, however, you can include in your main.js or in a separate window.

    // You can also require other files to run in this process
    var $ = require('jQuery');

    // Pode usar o jQuery normalmente agora.
            $("<h1>Test jQuery</h1>").appendTo('body');

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