What is the difference between LIKE, IN and BETWEEN in Mysql?


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I’m having doubts about the difference and use of tags LIKE, IN and BETWEEN in Mysql. When to use tags and example?

4 answers


Clause / opearador LIKE

Clause / operator is used LIKE when you want to search a character, using coringa that is to say %, if you want to scan with characters that start with the word A the correct is to do as I will show below. First note the position of coringa % yeah, it makes a difference.

Here you will find all the records that contain the letter A in the word. In the first alternative only with the joker % and in the second %_caracter_%

SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE descricao LIKE "%A%" 
SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE descricao LIKE "%_A_%"    

Here you will find all the records that contain the letter A at the end of the word. In the first alternative only with the joker % and in the second %_caracter

SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE descricao LIKE "%A"
SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE descricao LIKE "%_A"

Here you will find all the records that contain the letter A at the beginning of the word. In the first alternative only with the joker % and in the second caracter_%

SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE descricao LIKE "A%"
SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE descricao LIKE "A_%" 

Now let’s go to the clause BETWEEN

You must use the clause BETWEEN when you only want to catch a break from your SELECT, that is, you want to know the sales made between the day 10/11/2017 and 13/11/2017. After all the translation of BETWEEN would be Entre. I will indicate in the select below that I want to search the records between the day 10/11/2017 and 13/11/2017. Remembering that to seek an interval only 2 conditions should be indicated

Select  * FROM tabela WHERE vendas BETWEEN 10/11/2017 AND 13/11/2017

Now let’s go to the clause IN

The clause IN is used when we want to query a table filtering the value of one of its fields, from a list of possibilities. That is, if you wish to give one SELECT in a table where you have N records but want to filter them for only what you think necessary. See, that below I will indicate that I want to get the records of the people who own the ID = 1,2,5,10 only.

SELECT * from pessoas WHERE id IN (1,2,5,10)
  • 4

    It is worth remembering that _ is also a "joker" of the like Wildcard - corresponds to a character

  • Hello @Everson, could edit the answer including this detail, I find very valid.

  • 1

    I edited the reply @Rafaelweber, see if it was good and got clarity


Examples in the rray response:

LIKE: is used to do partial searches in text type fields (varhcar text etc) using wildcards % _.

SELECT * FROM tabela
WHERE campo LIKE 'abc'

SELECT * FROM tabela
WHERE campo LIKE '%abc%'

IN: Compare a value against a fixed set or even with a subquery.

SELECT * FROM tabela
WHERE campo IN ('abc','def')

SELECT * FROM tabela
WHERE campo IN (10,20,30)

SELECT * FROM tabela
WHERE campo IN (SELECT campo FROM tabela
    WHERE campo LIKE '%abc%')

BETWEEN: Compares a value between a range of exactly two values.

SELECT * FROM tabela
WHERE campo BETWEEN '01/01/2017' AND '01/10/2017'

SELECT * FROM tabela




Definition, used to return records based on a range of values. Property for numeric type or date fields, e.g..:

SELECT * FROM Funcionario WHERE Admissao BETWEEN '2017-09-01' AND '2017-10-01'

Sqlfiddle - See example working

IN and Not IN:

Definition, Used to return records whose values meet or do not meet a certain list.

SELECT * FROM Funcionario WHERE Admissao IN ('2017-11-12', '2017-09-12')

SELECT * FROM Funcionario WHERE Admissao NOT IN ('2017-11-12', '2017-09-12')

Sqlfiddle - See the example with IN working | Sqlfiddle - example with NOT IN working

Like and Not Like:

Definition, used to return records that contain or do not contain the given character string. It uses the % to control the form of research. Your search may vary in 3 ways:

Sqlfiddle - Values started with a certain character set.

SELECT * FROM Funcionario WHERE Pessoa like 'Cai%'

Sqlfiddle - Values ending with a certain character set.

SELECT * FROM Funcionario WHERE Pessoa like '%los'

Sqlfiddle - Values containing a certain character set.

SELECT * FROM Funcionario WHERE Pessoa like '%ai%'

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