As I could run a file . vbs when windows start, I can make a file . bat run by regedit.
I already put a . bat to open . vbs, I did so
cscript "C:\teste.vbs"
As I could run a file . vbs when windows start, I can make a file . bat run by regedit.
I already put a . bat to open . vbs, I did so
cscript "C:\teste.vbs"
Update Responding:
The command that adds an entry in the record, instructing the execution of a commando / filing cabinet at each system startup via commando / bat:
rem :: Obs.: O \" é para "escapar" as aspas no comando Reg Add adicionando no registro::
Reg Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Run_VBS /t reg_sz /d "\"C:\teste.vbs\""
To rule out / undo the entry by the line of commando /bat:
delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Run_VBS /f
Update Relevant additional information & example of use/application:
Add instructions for running a vbs script in windows startup, will imply choosing two things:
1) Where to add ?
2) How remove after are no longer needed?
About the Where:
As a suggestion, the code below was written to use the Key:
You can edit to meet your needs by observing the explanations below...
About the Removal:
The very one bat removes the entrances/values added by him to key, it identifies whether the values in the registration to make the removal.
Running once, he will create the entries/values needed in the registration, however, when run again, and he takes care to remove the keys/values of the entries by he added in the first execution... The very one bat will create a VBS as a test...
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem :: aqui vc pode editar a variável "_hkl_run" conforme lhe atende considerando o comanentário abaixo ::
set _hkl_run_=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
>"%temp%\_vbs_exemplo_teste.vbs" echo/ msgbox "VBS Boot Teste" ,4, "O que me diz, funciona?"
) && ( set "_vbs_=%temp%\_vbs_exemplo_teste.vbs"
) || ( echo/ Erro criando vbs^!!
timeout /t -1
>nul ((
reg query "!_hkl_run_!" | findstr /l /c:"Run_VBS" 2>nul >nul
) && (
reg delete "!_hkl_run_!" /v Run_VBS /f
) || (
reg add "!_hkl_run_!" /v Run_VBS /t reg_sz /d "\"!_vbs_!\""
)) 2>nul
rundll32.exe USER32.DLL,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters 1, True
Qual chave devo fazer uso e quando usar?
HKCU or HKLM and yet, Runonce or Run
Operates for the Current user ==> HKCU
Opera for all Users ==> HKLM
Opera once and is excluded from the Register ==> Runonce
Opera permanently and is on the record ==> Run
Obs.:#1 The key Run remains in the Registering for permanent execution during the boot!
Obs.:#2 The key Runonce fades from Registering before being executed, only runs once!
For execution only on the next boot and to any user, use that key: HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Currentversion Runonce
For execution only next boot and only for the current user, use: HKCU Software Microsoft Windows Currentversion Runonce
For the execution continuous/permanent, only current user, use: HKCU Software Microsoft Windows Currentversion Run
For the execution continuous/permanent, and to any user, use: HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Currentversion Run
Obs.: To use a bat which creates a vbs, it is necessary to use escape when the characters special not in quotes: Example:
^(, ^), ^{, ^}, ^&, ^>, ^<, etc...
That one bat will generate a VBS and add an entry in the log needed to after restarting the computer, it run the VBS.
Running open this window below:
To undo/remove/revert without rotating the bat again, just use/run the commando down below:
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Run_VBS /f
If the file runs normally after running the bat just copy it to
C: Users Your User Appdata Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup\
Don’t forget to edit the path for the script in bat
Browser other questions tagged vbs initialization
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@Henry even called the vbs by bat, but he got the cmd open(even though I put Exit at the end)
– Lucas Caresia
@Henrique Pronto, I updated
– Lucas Caresia
Try to change the
.– Homer Simpson