Xamarin Error - aapt.exe/Resources


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I installed Visualstudio 2015 Community, with Xamarin, until then beauty.

But I’m in trouble, actually not only myself, I’ve seen in many places, that quite a lot of people are making the same mistakes.Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find the solution yet, I hope someone can help me.

Directory Android SDK:

C: users fd Appdata Local Android-sdk

Directory JDK:

C: Program Files (x86) Java jdk1.7.0_71

Directory NDK:

C: Users fd Documents Android ndk android-ndk-r10e

I have the following mistakes: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the forums I saw, the error "aapt.exe", they were talking that could be some image file that has a "-" in the file name, this is not, because there is no file with "dash" in the project.

Another thing I read too, is that if I updated all the Packages of Android SDK Manager, this error would be fixed, I already did it, and the error continues.

The other mistakes, I haven’t found anything on them yet.

It was also in trouble, in the file Resources.Designer.cs, in this file was generating more than 2 thousand errors, I commented everything, and the error disappeared...

Could someone help me?

2 answers


Follow the steps below to identify the problem:

1 - In Visual studio: Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Build and Run.

1.1 - In the dropdown: Msbuild project build output verbosity: > Diagnostic.

1.2 - Close the dialog box.

2 - View > Output (Ctrl+W, O).

3 - Build or rebuild.

No output find by line:

"C: Program Files (x86) Msbuild Xamarin Android Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(1665,3): error MSB6006: "aapt.exe" exited with code 1."

What is just above this error is what caused the error.

  • Thanks for the tip Tiago, I had already done this, and I could not get the solution. I posted on the Xamarin forum, and a guy answered me, asking to download the latest version of JDK and the latest version of SDK, downloaded, and compiled. But now, I’m unable to run the project, I need to run on Hyper-V ?

  • You need to have an emulator or a device to run the project, otherwise it will not run

  • The Emulator can be Hyper-V, however, on my machine I still could not run the android emulator...

  • I get it. Here it is appearing in AVD, but I can not "startar", I will try to download an emulator to test, thanks man!


Here, my problem was the same. I created a Portable file, and soon I was tested if all the Cross would be working. Android gave this error, SDK manager noticed that it had 2 SDK 24 installed. the SDK Build-TOOLS 24 and SDK Platform 24. I removed the SDK Build and left the platform. Resolved here.

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