Posts by Eduardo Martins Casagrande • 19 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Save source of user traffic
I need to save the source of user traffic. As the post URL is different from the form URL, I am using an Hidden input in the form to redeem this data (if not, the source of traffic will always be…
viewsQ: How to open a form from another site with pre-populated fields with PHP / HTML / JAVASCRIPT?
Hello. I am improving the customers billet update on my website and need help. There is currently a refresh boleto button on the ADM page that users use, where it redirects users to the boleto…
viewsQ: jQuery function that closes the search field by clicking on Esc
On the site where I am developing, there is a field of research that only shows the input when you click on the button. Now I want to close the input when you click the key Esc (when the focus is in…