Posts by Bruno Nascimento • 51 points
3 posts
viewsQ: (Solved) ERROR: Flutter Unhandled Exception: type 'Future<Dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Oficioenviado>
I’m trying to make an Infinit scroll, I have a consumption of an api where I take the data and convert with my model to json, I want to insert this data in variable, where when arriving at the end…
viewsQ: Empty dynamic array table
It’s the following guys I have a dynamic table in Java where it includes a row with some data filled by the user, in the method of adding the row I put an array also passing the fields I am sending…
viewsQ: Take the value of the Avascript table and place it in an array
I have a problem, I made a dynamic table in Javascript and I want to play your data in an array, I tried to use JSON but when I click on the button to run the event it does nothing. I don’t know if…