Posts by Luiz Gomes • 21 points
4 posts
viewsA: Error "Nullreferenceexception: Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object" in Unity
I noticed that you are "invoking" Moveenemy() method by Invokerepeat within the Moveenemy() method itself, before that you are canceling a Invoke that until then does not exist, which probably is…
viewsA: C# Scrpits that are imported as a component in UNITY of the not found error every time you close the program
Friend, this error is related to some problem in the script done, for example, the name of the Class is divergent from the name of the script, which must be the most common error in these cases.…
viewsA: Unity Nullreferenceexception: Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object Player.Update() (at Assets/Scripts/Player.Cs:22)
Make a check if the Gameobject where your script is intended has the Rigidbody component. After doing this check and confirming that it is a component in Gameobject, target Getcomponent in Start as…
viewsA: I cannot access any class outside the same script. C++ IDE: Unity 2019.4.29f1
the language you are using is C# not C++, another question I ask you to check is if the Start method is lowercase S, if it is not going to be identified as Monobehaviour method, the correct method…