Posts by JoaoHardline • 11 points
2 posts
viewsQ: How to read two vectors and place the values in a third vector and in ascending order?
the statement of the problem is as follows: Make a program that reads an integer value N. After that, read N integer values by placing them in an A vector of size N. Then read an integer value M.…
casked JoaoHardline 11 -
viewsQ: What is the difference between "/" and "%" in python?
x1 = int(input()) v1 = int(input()) x2 = int(input()) v2 = int(input()) if x1 == x2 and v1 == v2: print('SIM') elif (x1 == x2) and (v1 != v2): print('NÃO') elif (x1 - x2) % (v2 - v1) == 0: if (x1 -…
pythonasked JoaoHardline 11