Posts by Mardoquel Gadi • 13 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Exercise - Taking time in seconds and returning to the average and lower values to the average
I have an exercise where it requires that a program be created that receives racing time as input and calculates the arithmetic average of the times spent to travel a daily race course. At the end…
viewsQ: Alphabetic Triangle - Python
I have an exercise where, the enunciating informs the following: The Latin alphabet is composed of letters, beginning with 'A' and ending with 'Z'. There are twenty-six different characters, if we…
pythonasked Mardoquel Gadi 13 -
viewsQ: Calculating Leap Year of Year Beginning to Final Year
Hello, have an exercise where it inform the following: " Do you know what leap years are? Briefly, in leap years the month of February is longer, going from 28 to 29 days. The calculation of whether…
python-3.xasked Mardoquel Gadi 13