Posts by Lucas Gonçalves e Silva • 1 point
2 posts
viewsQ: I need to join several excel files in a single split into python folders. I did this method but wanted to create a function:
I made this function that receives the destination directory and the month that was generated the reports, I wanted to make it smaller using a for that goes through this list: ufv_name = ['CB1',…
viewsQ: By importing a given CSV into the notebook jupyter and turning a variable to 0 and 1 hour to show the table again this as Nan
import pandas as pd Train = pd.read_csv('database') Train.head() #Map sex and shape to 0 and 1 Train['Sex_num']={'Female':0, 'Male':1}) #compare using the Loc function to locate the…
pythonasked Lucas Gonçalves e Silva 1