Posts by Marcos Prado • 19 points
4 posts
viewsA: Problem saving values to file . C-language CSV
I was able to solve the line breaking problem of the value of the first vector when it was going to the . CSV after some searching for the reason that was occurring this, identified that it was the…
canswered Marcos Prado 19 -
viewsQ: Problem saving values to file . C-language CSV
Could someone please help me? I am starting the study in the C language and I have the code below that receives values in the struct variables and writes in a file . CSV, until there is ok. The…
casked Marcos Prado 19 -
viewsQ: How to sort a dictionary list alphabetically and generate new dictionaries with if condition with Python?
Good night, I have a Python exercise that has stopped me, it is the following: Read and store in a dictionary the name, age and phone number of your contacts, the key being the name. When typing an…
pythonasked Marcos Prado 19 -
viewsQ: Change background color and turn on all window lights at night (Javascript only)
I am studying Javascript and decided to create a practical project, which consists of a building that I can turn on and off the lights by clicking on the windows, until then ok. But I wanted to…