Posts by Riccardo Cafagna • 19 points
3 posts
viewsA: React-Native with 3D Animation | sensor accelerometer
You can use Rigging Animation in Unity to make a detailed simulation of the animation with each joint, it will be your biggest challenge but it is not impossible, have a lot of good material on the…
viewsA: How can I do the smoothed rotation on Unity?
Computers have processors that do billions of operations per second, following this logic when you run a code that is in an infinite cycle (Update) it will do that MANY times per second, so fast it…
unity3danswered Riccardo Cafagna 19 -
viewsA: How do I get randomly generated piranhas to move to the propeller? UNITY C#
Moid tera3, to make one gameobject move to another you can create a script and assign to each piranha, in it you reference the helice and use the function Movetowards to make it go to the object. If…