Posts by Zehous • 36 points
4 posts
viewsA: Windows Forms, double click that opens a new Form
I understood more or less but I’ll do my best. from what I understand you want in a dataview when given double click it open something a form from what I understand so you could use the click event…
viewsA: Sendkeys does not work on the machine that will run
Hello My Name and Giovane. so I understood the error is not in the logic but in the implementation I already used Selenium once usually it works to send the Sendkeys this and a gabiarra to my view…
viewsQ: Is the math going wrong? C##
Hello I am very confused now I took the formula to take the distance between 2 points and applied in my application but this giving result different from the calculator text code: public static…
viewsQ: How to pick a Function From a string
I would like to make a system that when informed an integer number (Int) it performs a certain function. Int Input > Find Object Function > Transform int in a name > executes the function…