Posts by Anderson da Silva Cavalcante • 53 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Search within csv and bring other row columns - Python
Well I have a Python application that generates a csv file of 7000 lines and 4 columns, for example: Mesa,Entrada,Saida,Conta "P",21:00,22:00,95.00 "A",14:00,18:00,195.00 "C",18:00,21:00,75.00…
viewsA: Read data, add it to a list and then print it
You could do a for that traverses an array at the same time that asks the question, then if the question is "Y" it would save at position 0 of the array the string typed, after typing it would redo…
javaanswered Anderson da Silva Cavalcante 53 -
viewsQ: How to validate an array if it has objects inside it or not? React JS
I have a code made using React JS and it works like this, I have a select component, and this is reused several times and the information it receives always comes from an array, only now I need to…