Most voted "git" questions
Git is an open-source distributed version control (DVCS) system. Use this tag for Git-related questions, DO NOT USE for programming issues involving a Git repository.
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viewsDeleted repository
I gave one git status in the repository and this appeared: $ git status On branch main Your branch and 'origin/main' have diverged, and have 1 and 1 Different commits each, respectively. (use "git…
viewsAlternatives for Rails server and deploy applications
Whenever I make a Rails application I configure my server with Nginx and Passenger, and usually I do deploy via GIT or rsync. I know there are other ways to do deploy and also server configuration.…
viewsHow to Configure Text Editor for git
I’m trying here to configure the git editor for the sublime but it is giving error, anyone knows how to perform this configuration in the correct way? was trying something like this git config…
viewsTool or website that views percentage of the most commonly used languages on your github
Some time ago, I found a tool that showed the percentages of languages used by repositories on my own github. It was a tool or web site, unfortunately I saw it very fast and I could not remember…
viewsHow do I remove a git file with word spacing?
Well, I managed to remove a file without spacing xd.txt but when I created my first file Novo Documento de Texto.txt it came with space and so the command is not working What can I do?…
viewsCompare remote repositories
I have in git a code where my colleagues cloned and sent me pull requests, but I think there’s duplicate code between them. I added their repositories to my machine and want to compare a file from…
viewsGithub - Clone directory
Good Afternoon Folks, could you help me with this error when cloning the directory in git.…
viewsProblem With Git
I have a problem with Github, my project is in Laravel, I create the repository do the sending (I can see that git picked up the modifications inside the files) but when I upload to github the files…
viewsCreate a remote reset via the command line
Is there such a possibility on a server like Github for example? If so, how could I do that?
gitasked 5 years, 5 months ago JulioHenrique 1 -
viewsHow to delete an existing repository with Git?
I need help to delete this repository and to create a new one, because every time I try to create this message appears. And I can’t send my project to github. Detail: Already deletes it on github.…
gitasked 5 years, 1 month ago Fabrício Eduardo 3 -
Good Afternoon, I am working in a company where we are in a process of change, we had a GIT repository in the internal air here in the company that every night updates MASTER with the repositorio…
gitasked 4 years, 7 months ago Patrick Moura 3 -
viewsBranch Swap
I need help switching the branch of a folder. I’m going to participate in an open source project on github, so I cloned the folder I need via git, but the folder was in the master branch and I need…
gitasked 4 years, 4 months ago Alessandra Burckhalter 11 -
viewsReset Git credentials from the Linux terminal
I previously used another Git user on my personal computer. I edited the config user with the new user name and email, but when I press git push it occurs to me: remote: permissão para…
viewsDoubt about Git Flow
I’m a beginner in Git Flow, when using normal git, the procedure I used to create a new Git Flow was like this: Create a new branch from a specific branch Performed the commit Ran the push origin…
viewsQuit my internship and removed me as a collaborator, I lost all my commits in my history
Guys, I worked for seven months at a company and after my contract was over they took me as a collaborator. I had about 100 commits in their private project, but they all disappeared from my git…
viewsI can’t generate the RSA key for Github: "Too Many Arguments"
I can’t get past this stage of installation. Someone can help me? Paulo ADM@PAULOADM-PC MINGW64 ~ (master) $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -c [email protected] Too many arguments. usage:…
viewsDelete a particular repository from github
How do I delete only one github repository?
viewsHow do I commit a specific file in git?
Note the image below: I want commit only the second file. How do I? What’s the command in git?…
viewsHow can I connect to my repository again?
I had on my pc a folder connected with my github repository, recently I formatted the pc and lost this folder, wanted to know how to connect with my repository and continue being the master branch?…
viewsHow do I work as a team with Git on a file that is modified on each branch?
I’m working on a team of programmers who aren’t very familiar with Git. The question is: We have an X file that is vital to the operation of the project. The problem is that in each branch we need…
gitasked 4 years ago Leonardo C. 1 -
viewsHow do I switch accounts in git?
I’m learning to use git, my brother was programming with the computer I’m on now and had his github account in git but I committed some files and I can’t tell if it went to his account! Then I gave…
gitasked 3 years, 4 months ago Josué Mendonça 7 -
viewsProductivity report via git
How do I take a productivity report from each user in git( can be a program). For example: inserted or changed lines of code.
gitasked 6 years, 1 month ago Marcelo Rocha 33 -
viewsHow to work as a team with Git?
Fork and Pull Requests or direct contribution within the repository? I’m starting a project at Github and I’m a beginner in programming. What are the best practices for working in teams? Direct…
viewsMy project not under in git is in the local branch
I created a branch and when I made my changes, everything was in the local branch. I can’t get up to the git repository. What to do? I downloaded the project again and kept a backup of the project…