Most voted "debian" questions
Debian GNU/Linux is a widely used free (free and open source) non-commercial distribution of GNU/Linux. All software included in the distribution is free software, and it is optional to add official proprietary software repositories. If the doubt is not about Debian, do not use this tag, even if the Debian OS is present in your project.
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viewsFailed to get about: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
I’m using a generic Linux application from Google Drive, which aims to Upload local folders to Google Drive via Shell Script. However, when trying to run command on the Debian terminal: ./gdrive…
viewsVagrant - VM does not go up when adding a forwarded_port
I did the installation of a VM using Vagrant with debian/jessie64 ISO, it worked normal, give up the VM it goes up beautifully, when entering SSH, all right, but when I go to add a new port, it does…
viewsRedirect google Chrome to localhost when offline
I have a system on top of a Raspberry that needs to work online. A Raspberry that opens directly a page on Chromium. What I’m trying to do is this scprit I did. #!/bin/bash wget -q --spider…
viewsjavac -classpath . (Debian 10 Buster)
I’m using the Geany to do so. However, I was unable to compile the simple Hello World!. With some researches I found two reference links, being them:…
viewsPHP connection to ORACLE 12C database
I’m trying to make the connection to an ORACLE 12C database for some information query. My application runs on PHP 5.4 Debian Linux server. I tried various types of connections I found, but always…
viewsError compiling R 4.1 package on Debian-based linux
I am trying to install/compile R-project software, I haven’t been succeeding. Debian-based linux distro. Follow the steps I’ve taken: 1- I downloaded the package R-4.1.1.tar. gz on the link:…
viewsPython update on Debian
My machine runs Debian 9 and wanted to upgrade Python to the latest version without modifying the Debian version. It is possible to do this through some official repository or I will have to install…