Most voted "competition" questions
In computer science, simultaneity or concurrency is a property of systems in which multiple calculations can be performed in periods of overlapping time. Calculations can run on multiple cores on the same chip, preventively threaded shared in time on the same processor, or run on physically separate processors.
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viewsconcurrent transactions spring boot + Docker
I have an app on Docker with Jhipster(Spring Boot + Angular) where Gero protocols for service. I’m using the @Transactional in the class of generating the protocols for control in the generation of…
viewsOnly allows 5 attempts at key duplication Entityframework? a 6 badge in Savechange()
Key duplication in write with Entityframework in competition with many users only allows 5 attempts and 6 badge in Savechange() (example 1). If it is with Sqlconnection it does not give any problem…