Most voted "c" questions
C is a general-purpose computer programming language used for operating systems, games, and other high-performance jobs and is clearly distinct from C++. It was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie for use with the UNIX operating system.
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viewsInfinity C loop array
In this example below, how do I print on the screen all values assigned to n during the loop, after its completion? #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main (void) { int n; for…
viewsError in struct C language
Guys, I’m making a code that the first moment should store the register of patients of a clinic, for this I’m using struct and a variable of this struct to store data for 5 patients. The problem is…
viewsI’m having a problem with my code I can’t bring the data from one function to another!
I’m having a problem with my code I can’t bring the data from one function to another!! in the case of Function sum I cannot print it in function print. Can someone help me 1 - Insert into a vector…
views"Segmentation fault(core dumped)" error in C language if-Else program
Greetings! I’m a beginner in programming and found this problem in a code: Segmentation fault (core dumped), after entering the first variable. That is the code: #include <stdio.h> #include…
viewsTest Template Check - Language C
I have a question I need: Read the proof feedback; Read the students' names; Read each student’s answers. At the end of the program I must print: the name of the student + how many questions he got…
viewsProgram stops reading before the for and "hangs" during the run (C)
I am performing this exercise in C which is a challenge for college. No note is worth. The purpose is to use the for and find pi. The statement is in the body. For some reason, when I give run in…
viewsSublime text with Exit code 1. How to resolve
I’m with this ERROR when trying to compile any code in C in my PC: [Decode error - output not utf-8] [Finished in 0.2s with exit code 1] I installed the MinGW and the modules gcc(C++ e C), but still…
viewshow do I save the data entry permanently
I want to create a C program in which the user enters his name and this is saved permanently, but the user name is only saved until the program closes. How do I make the program to leave user data…
viewsStrict Aliasing do c
Guys I would like someone to explain me this such Strict Aliasing , and with cast examples , I saw in a book more did not understand right.
viewsComplicated program
I’ve been trying for a while to make a program that does the following: Ask a user to enter a number amount and then to enter the number amount he wants to have in the combination and then the…
viewsDoubts in the resolution of an exercise using while or for
Good evening my dear, My doubt relates to repetition (while and for). In one exercise I want to print the numbers from one to 10. However I want to group them 2 to 2, or 3 to 3 to follow that logic:…
casked 8 years, 6 months ago F.Henrique 11 -
viewsid returned 1 Exit status in C
My code keeps giving this error and I don’t know what’s wrong: #include<stdio.h> // printf, scanf // Função principal int main(void) { // início do programa principal // Declaração das…
viewsVariable declaration problem to compile in Code::Blocks
#include <stdio.h> #include <locale.h> #include <string.h> int main () { setlocale (LC_ALL,"Portuguese"); int num,escolha; char nome[20]; printf ("\nDigite seu nome: "); gets…
viewsHow to convert a String Char by storing it in an Integer array in C?
How to convert a String Char and add to an Integer array?
casked 7 years, 1 month ago Nilzon Martins 189 -
viewsHow to make an algorithm that receives the name of a day of the week and shows the subject that the student has on the day
the part of logic I know is simple but I believe I’m wrong in the syntax, in my view it would be if day == second printf("second class") but so not sure, someone could help me, I’m trying to do in…
casked 7 years, 1 month ago Lucas Sylvestre 1 -
viewsVariable type float does not receive valuation
Follows an excerpt from the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MVAIN 0.8592; #define MVAOUT 1.0282; #define ICMS 0.29; float ProdValue = 0, MVA = 0, ResultValue1 = 0,…
viewsCreate a function that returns random number in C
Good afternoon, I have a project in language c to deliver, and it’s almost all ready, but the teacher said q we have to use a function that returns random number, but the random function I have to…
viewsHow to give 'value' to a char variable?
I have a question about how I can give value to the char variable without the scanf command, for example: I have a variable called name and I want to say that it is worth maria. how do I do that?…
viewsLanguage C - Structure jumps directly to ELSE ignoring IF parameters
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ //Escolhe entre nome do personagem e classe int p,c; printf("RPG teste\n"); printf("Digite um nome para o seu(a)…
viewsWhat is the mistake in logic?
Given the values of x real and n natural positive, calculate: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ float x = 0.0; int n = 0; int soma = 0; int fat = 1; printf("Digite um valor:"); scanf("%f",…
viewsI need the replay to stop when I type "F"
#include<stdio.h> main() { int O,i; float F,VI=0,VF=0; printf("Valor Inicial:"); scanf("%f",&VI); printf("Valor Final:"); scanf("%f",&VF); while (VI!=F) { if(VI<=VF) O=1; else O=-1;…
viewsCalculate the Timetable in C. Financial year
I started programming recently and I’m having trouble solving this exercise: Write a program that reads the departure time (hours and minutes) of a flight, the travel time and the difference in…
viewsDanger signal on a var in C
The program and the recursiveness are correct, but even so, a danger signal occurs. #include <stdio.h> void ant_suc (int num){ int ant = num - 1; int suc = num + 1; return printf("O numero…
casked 3 years, 8 months ago Socorro de Jesus 1 -
viewsHow can I get this code to display the first 100 even numbers not multiples of 10?
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main () { int count; for (count=0;count<200;count=count+2) printf ("%d \t ",count); if (count%10==0) { count++; } getch(); return(0); }…
viewsI’m having doubts in this puzzle, I can’t find the error in the program
ola I’m doubtful in this puzzle I can’t find the error in the program. int main(){ char n_a[500] char cit[500]; float codigo,n1,n2,n_l; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");…
casked 6 years, 8 months ago Miguel Garcia Silvestre 13 -
viewsHow to convert DDMMAYY to DD/MM/YYYY in C
#include <stdio.h> // tetando ex 01 int main(){ int dia,mes,ano, data; printf("Digite a data em DDMMAAA: "); scanf("%d", &data ); dia= data/1000000; printf("%d", dia); } I can’t develop…
casked 3 years, 4 months ago Megane-12bit 1 -
viewsWhy don’t my strings concatenate correctly?
I want to display information in the following format: last surname/first name. But it keeps skipping a line in the concatenation. At least, that’s what I think is happening... #include…
casked 6 years, 2 months ago Lucas Correia 53 -
viewsWhat’s wrong with this excerpt?? file reading
What’s wrong with this excerpt?? I need to open a file to read and store in a struct, but if I put the condition in while feof!= 0, when I run it does not work. (this is a function that is being…
viewsGender neutralizer in C!
I am a beginner in the programming area and took some basic exercises to train my lóg. de Prog. in C. And one of these questions was to develop a program that would neutralize the gender of the…
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viewsIt’s not compiling! And I can’t find an answer!
Do not want to compile... #include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { system("title-Ajust System:Windows 7");//declarada-Title printf("SYSTEM 00.1-BETA\n\n");//-Name…
casked 5 years, 5 months ago C0DIFICAD0 1 -
viewsBeginner Language Error C Code Blocks
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(); {int dinheiro = 200}; int r$100, r$50, r$20, r$10, r$5, r$2, r$1; int inter; while(dinheiro > 0) { if (dinheiro >= 100) { r$100 =…
casked 5 years, 4 months ago Matheus Accetta 1 -
viewsWhile counting zero more
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int zeros(signed char *V, int n){ int i = 0; while(!V[i] && i < n){ // Ou acabou o vetor caso seja inteiro zero i++; } return i; } int…
casked 4 years, 2 months ago Douglas Oliveira 1 -
viewsString-populated chained list(Linked list)
Hello, I’m trying to create a list that is populated with strings but when I try to print it nothing appears. I appreciate any help available. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>…
viewsDoubt how to reverse values in a statistic list in C
Hi, I’m having second thoughts about a university paper on how to reverse a sequence of numbers into a static list in C. The specific part I’m doubting is : **int SList_reverse(SList* lista, int…
viewsI can’t use strcmp in C
I need to show a student’s chart using the license plate, as I do? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> main() { struct ficha { char matricula[9], inf[9];…
viewsDoubt in LANGUAGE C
You guys, good night. I am learning C in college and we have been asked an exercise to read the salary of an employee.(until I ask for forgiveness because close to the most experienced, my code must…
casked 3 years, 5 months ago Mateus Malvezzi 1 -
viewsWrite number from 0 to 10000 in c++ language
I need help to write numbers in full from 0 to 10000. I could only write up to 1500, as you can see below: #include <stdio. h> int main () { float a; printf ("Digite um numero de 1 a…
viewsCalculator in C does not return decimal numbers, when dividing 7/2 it returns me 3. And how do I get the code back to the choice menu?
I have tried to use some other topics here but unfortunately they have not solved my problem. The most I could was showing 3.00 using float, but I don’t think I used it correctly. Whenever I divide…
casked 3 years, 4 months ago David William 1 -
viewsDoubt on how to read a line in C (sscanf)
My goal is to read 2 user lines, where each line has a number n >= 0 of integers, separated by space. The problem is that, when n = 0 (which is the case of line 2 of the code below), the program…
viewsMy while, is showing error, calculate and show on the screen the sum of the n odd power of degree 2 of 10 integer numbers any
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int numero,cont, som1, somtotal; int i; som1 = 1; somtotal = 1; char cod; while(cod!='F'){ for(cont = 1; cont < numero;cont = cont…
viewsCreate a program that reads a number between 2 and 20 and generate a screen with the configuration shown below:
the program must display the following result: Type a random number between 2 and 20: 7 Exit from the program: 1234567 x123456 xx12345 xxx1235 xxxx123 xxxxx12 xxxxxx1 (NOTE: the value typed by the…
viewsHelp to write code
How do I use Dev-c++ with this code. How to translate it to C? I started recently with programming, I’m a little tied up to understand some things. Programa CalculoMedia Var N1, N2, MEDIA: Real…
casked 10 years, 8 months ago matheus ferreira 357 -
viewsid returned 1 Exit status C code, help
my code is giving error id returned 1 and I have no idea why giving this error I did everything right, someone could help me? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main () { float…
casked 10 years, 7 months ago matheus ferreira 357 -
viewsCast struct em struct
Guys I’m using sockets in windows and when I get to connect I have the sequinte parameter: (struct sockaddr *)&server(which is my socket) how this cast works?
casked 9 years, 3 months ago alexsander 11 -
viewsVectors, pointers and memory storage
I need to solve an exercise where I need to use pointers, vectors and memory storage: Create a vector with n elements, and each vector position will match a pointer to a value of type float. Make…
viewsSelection structure, use of the for
I need to select animals older than (60 months), and return their consumption and monthly production, as I tried to idealize in the equations. However, it does not return any number correctly.…
viewsHow to create a function that divides two numbers into C?
How to create a function that divides two numbers into C?
viewsIs there any more beautiful way for me to change the numbers?
This is my code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <locale.h> #include <unistd.h> #define tam 20 int main (void){ setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); int num[tam]; int…
viewsFunction that converts string to lowercase and compares
struct registro{ /*Estrutura para guardar os dados do usuário*/ char usuario[50]; }atual[1000], *ptr; main() { int v = 0; verific = 0; //posicao e variavel para comp. de string volta_usuario:…