Most voted "c" questions
C is a general-purpose computer programming language used for operating systems, games, and other high-performance jobs and is clearly distinct from C++. It was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie for use with the UNIX operating system.
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viewsImplement numerical sum with successor and predecessor only
Consider a numerical system that does not have the addition operation implemented and that you have only operators (functions) successor and predecessor. Then, it is asked to write a function…
viewsDoubt with bool in C
Well, I did this vector test, but I’m having a problem with the bool type, which never turns false and displays the message of not found. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include…
viewsCheck data received by the user
How can I check if the user typed a die the way I’m hoping? For example, I want him to type an integer value. How do I know if the value he typed was an integer and not a char or float, and if the…
casked 6 years, 6 months ago user112981 1 -
viewsUse of cinnamon in macros
Good evening! I want to test a condition that will be implemented in the macro. The value for the test will be informed by the user. My code generates an error when compiling. What can it be? Thank…
viewsRead multiple scanf numbers separated by space
I need to make a program that receives a number of elements from a vector, and then each element of that vector, but in the same scanf with spaces. Only I don’t know how to do this, someone can help…
viewsHttp requests using the C language in windows?
How to make http requests using the C language in windows ? No need to post code, just a good reference is enough for me :) But if anyone has any examples will be of great help ;)
viewsWhat is a specific C function for?
What is a C function for, its usefulness?
viewsPrepare a program in C that receives 6 integer numbers and then the program should present the sum of these numbers on the screen, I could only here
int main() { int N1, N2, N3; printf("Digite o primeiro numero: ", N1); scanf("%d", &N1); printf("Digite o segundo numero: ", N2); scanf("%d", &N2); …
casked 6 years, 5 months ago ErmesonMartins Oliveira 15 -
viewsReading of a String
If I have a string that is: String s = "2123dog"; How can I calculate the first character 2 to transform the next 2 characters into an integer, and 4 to transform the name that is dog? The result…
viewsHow to verify that the limit of a vector has not been exceeded?
Good afternoon, gentlemen! I’m doing a college paper that asks me to create an agenda. I did most of the code, but I’m not able to see the light so that when the user tries to register a person in…
viewsTable test result is not the same as compiled?
The code below when executed returns the result to m = 0, but doing the test table the result should be -2. I can’t prove the 0as a result unless the variable t++ when in (t * t++), only at this…
viewsDoubts about strings
I have a proposal to print on a theater ticket, date, time, part name (to be typed and read by scanf) and customer’s armchair number, // declaração da variável. char PecaTeatral[255]; // pulando…
viewsHow to change the color of a console line in C?
so I’d like to know how do I change the color of that line... It’s a college project, and I’ve done research on other forums and everything, but I can never get an answer that works. I’m using the…
viewsError in passing a structure by reference C
In this exercise it is necessary to change only the characters a by b, ie output of the printf should be like this {B, 1.5, 2.7} {A, 3.9, 4.2} typedef struct{char n;float x;float y;}Ponto; void…
casked 6 years ago Erich Alves Fratini 11 -
viewsProblem with swapping vector positions
Good morning! Using Dev C++, I am making the following problem in C: Make a program in C that reads a 20-position vector of the real type. Replace the first position with the 11th, the 2nd with the…
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> float dobro_do_maior(float x, float y) { float dobro; if(x > y) { dobro = x * 2; }else{ dobro = y * 2; } return dobro; } void main() { float a,…
viewsI wrote this code in Dev C++, it compiled but does not perform the operation
When I run and type a number it does not multiply, it only displays the message " Price:" and not the multiplication result. #include<stdio.h> main() { int quantidade; double valor;…
viewsHow do I get each row of my matrix to store a substring?
Suppose the user typed: I am very beautiful Each row of the Matrix would store a substring thus: I am much beautiful
viewsString comparison in C
How could I print the variable sex outside the if-else (has to be outside of it). This code is printing blank and I can’t understand why. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include…
viewsFactorial in C, beginning of programming
include stdio.h include stdlib.h include math.h int main() { int n, prod=1,x; printf ("Digite um numero:"); scanf ("%D", &n); for (=1; x<=n; x++) { Prod*= x; } printf ("Fat= %D\n", prod);…
viewsIncreasing list in c
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int total = 10; char letra = '*'; char *retorno; retorno = (char *) malloc(total + 1); for (int i=0; i<total; i++) { retorno[i] =…
viewsVector union
How do I join 2 vectors into 1 single vector ? Without repeating the numbers ? Question: Make a program that reads two vectors of 10 elements. Create a vector that is the union between the two…
viewsgalley that part " if ((S%10=0) && (S<Vt))" is not going
#include<stdio.h> main() { char R[1]; int S, SQ, Nc, Vt; Nc=1000; Vt=10000; SQ=S/10; while(R!="N" || Nc>0) { printf("limite:%d",Vt); printf("\nDigite quanto deseja sacar:");…
casked 5 years, 6 months ago Pedro Sabença 1 -
viewsExplanation of the code
Hello, could you explain the part of that code? int nota[2]; scanf( "%s %d", nome, &horas ); And that part int i = 0; while( i < 2 ) { scanf( "%d", ¬a[i] ); if( nota[i] > 100 ||…
casked 5 years, 5 months ago betafico123 3 -
viewsHow to generate a variable with random value in C
Good night, you guys. Well, I’m taking a C programming course and in this course I have a challenge, to create a game of jokenpô. I started doing the code part of the game and such and the part that…
casked 5 years, 4 months ago Luciano Santos 1 -
viewsConcatenate and show on screen
I don’t know how to print the strcat on the screen, I don’t know how to concatenate to the position typed in the scanf_s. int main() { char string1[10], string2[10]; int RU[1]; char NomeSobrenome;…
casked 5 years, 4 months ago Fabio Santos 1 -
viewsPq ta giving this error -> error: expected ?;' before ?)' token
I made an algorithm to determine if a number is prime or not, but when compiling it is giving this error when compiling in Ubuntu’s own terminal. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int n, i,…
viewsRandom generation
Hello. I was asked a question in a random number study in C. How would I generate a value in an interval that is not continuous? Generate a value between 10 to 15 or 20 to 25, for example.
viewsCount letters and pick initials of the name
The program does not print the first letter of each name. nome[i]=nome[i+1]; I need to make a program that enters the name of the person, tells how many letters A has the name of that person and…
viewsHow to create a C function that searches for words in txt files in a predefined directory?
void pesquisarexerword() { DIR *dir; char *strdir, *strget, t, *str; struct dirent *lsdir, *dirarq; FILE *arq; do{ printf("\n Digite o Diretorio que…
viewsC language code print pairs from one to fifty
Programming exercise in C: Statement: "Write a program that prints all pairs between 2 and 50. To know if the number is even, just see if the rest of the division by 2 is equal to 0." what I did:…
viewsDivide sum of values of a vector
I’m trying to divide/multiply all the numbers between themselves using vectors. for example: type 4 numbers and divide them all: 5/5/2/1 but I can’t get the division. follow the program: float…
viewsWhy does a variable passed to function not keep the changed value when it exits the function?
I want the variables latitude and longitude to be updated, but only the variables lon and lat are being changed. I cannot add latitude = latitude - 1 or longitude= longitude + 1.…
viewsRewrite 2-digit maximum input numbers for output
I need to rewrite two-digit numbers at most input to the output, stopping processing the input after reading the number 42. Input: 1 2 88 42 99 Output: 1 2 88 My code is like this, I can’t…
viewsWhat is the code for "par = par + 1"?
#include<stdio.h> #include<locale.h> int main(){ int par=0, num, i; setlocale(LC_ALL,"Portuguese"); for (i=1; i<=10; i++){ …
casked 4 years, 3 months ago Yander Alves 57 -
viewsError : Too few Arguments to Function 'Fdelta'
When I try to declare a function there is error Too few Arguments to Function 'Fdelta' which could be?…
viewsI’m creating a three-lane game but I can’t get to the next question
Save save everyone, everything jewel with you? I hope so, I have this code on C he’s okay, but I’m trying to implement more questions and I can’t. Follows the code: #include<stdio.h>…
casked 6 years, 10 months ago GSS ÁUDIO FILME 1 -
viewsError 'dia' undeclared (first use in this Function) what to do?
What can I do? variable not declared in function?…
viewsA function that reads only the last integer number written in a text file and returns?
FILE * save; int funcao () { int d; char linha[100]; save = fopen ("light.txt" , "r"); if (save == NULL) { …
viewsProblem using Setlocale in C
Hey, guys, good morning. I’m starting in C programming (I come from Python and Javascript). I have a problem using the setLocale function, which defines the type of language used, allowing the use…
viewsCalculate the product within a for loop
I need to calculate the product of 3 numbers inside a loop for, but the code I made is going wrong, multiplying something bizarre that I couldn’t even understand, for example, if I input 1, 1, 1, it…
viewsprinting calendar with wrong days
good day galley I made an agoritimo that generates the calendar of a given year however for bisext years it is returning days correctly but for years not bisextos it brings dates for different days,…
viewsA program that sums up n numbers where the odd numbers will be disregarded, where it works as it should
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i, nmrs, n, soma = 0; printf("De quantos numeros quer fazer a soma? (impares serao desconsiderados)\n"); scanf("%d", &nmrs); for (i = 1; i <= nmrs;…
viewsWhy does the code return error dumped core?
I came across the following errors: floating point Exception and dumped core for the same code. I did not understand very well why this error occurred. I put the code in a Bugger and from what I saw…
viewsHow do I get only the units of that number
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int hora,minuto,dia,mes,ano; scanf("%d",&hora); scanf("%d",&minuto); scanf("%d",&dia); scanf("%d",&mes); scanf("%d",&ano); printf("%02d:%02d…
casked 3 years, 6 months ago Guilherme Barros 1 -
viewsHow can I check with `if` if the word typed is equal to some word in a list of strings in C?
example: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ char input[20]; char* strings[] = {"maça","banana"}; printf("tente acertar uma das minhas frutas favoritas:\n"); scanf("%s", input); if(input ==…
casked 3 years, 5 months ago anonimocbhudivbhufbhurf 3 -
viewsI need to print a L1 line of a matrix in C
After reading L1 in main, I need to pass line A[L1] to a function and print this line Prints(A[L1]), only it gives an error saying that it does not recognize the parameter. What can it be? void…
viewsSwap a character inside a string in c
Why is this substitution of a character within a string not working? int main(){ char *armazena = "XXX", letra = 'a'; letra = armazena[2]; *(armazena+1) = 'a'; printf("%c", armazena[1]); return 0; }…
casked 3 years, 4 months ago Higor Luiz 1 -
viewsdivision by 1/value
I’m doing some work that needs complex mathematical equations. And I’m having a problem early on, when I try to do the 1/result split, the answer is always 0,000. I have tried using double, float,…
viewsHow I can view a header file and where I can find it
Dear colleagues, How do I find the file location of a header file (ex. stdio.h)? I would like to know where I can find it locally on my machine to open and consult its contents. For information, if…
casked 3 years, 3 months ago moriartybr 1