Most voted "batch" questions
"Batch", also called "batch processing", refers to the(s) execution(s) of one or more commands, which may be internal, and/or external. As, also, can(m) contain (in) program(s) call(s), on a computer, for various executions, with or without user interaction, to meet the desired processing.
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viewsDOSBOX does not recognize some batch script commands, how to resolve?
I was making a simple script in batchand testing with Windows 10 CMD, and it ran normally. However, when trying to run the same script with DOSBOX, the system gave error in the use of GOTO, yielding…
viewsSQLCMD does not execute command after silent installation of SQL Server with Inno Setup
I have a script from Inno Setup which provides the user with the installation of SQL Server 2012, and upon completion, he should restore a database in a specified path, in order to 'componentize' my…
viewsHow to send the results of multiple Findstr commands to only one.txt file?
I’m creating a bat which has several commands "Findstr" How can I send the multiple results obtained by the commands "Findstr /i /c:Strings for the same arquivo.txt? dir/s/b C:\Users >…
viewsHow to make the spring batch Itemreader return a list by reading from a file
In Spring Batch does anyone know how to make Flatfileitemreaderbuilder return a list? Or if there is any other class that reads the file and returns a list? I have this Reader code: fun…
viewsHow do I create a . bat file through a . bat file?
How do I create a . bat file through a . bat file? Or any file? I’m creating a type of game and it has to create a folder and inside that folder has to have a file. bat or any file, just can’t be .…
batchasked 8 years, 2 months ago EmeralD_RKR 13 -
viewsCreate a Bath file that performs the DIR of a folder or sets of folders that the user chooses
I wanted to create a file in bath where the user chose the place where to perform the command DIR. I’ve got it done: @echo off set /p pasta=digite uma pasta: dir %pasta%>>c:\conteudo2.txt if…
viewsAndroid class to trigger events, Batch Routine?
I need a class that, from time to time, tries to cross-reference database data and depending on the result send a notification to the user or modify/include database information. I don’t know if…
viewsHow do xcopy copy a directory from a variable
I’m with a project involving bat más I need to use a command (xcopy) Suppose: I want that I can enter the whole directory ex: C: Users "User" directory and be able to type in the destination ex: D:…
viewsI want to know if there is any way to see how long a process or a service is open by cmd, because I am building a script and need
I want to know if there is any way to see how long a process or a service is open by cmd, because I am building a script and need. Type if necessary may even be that the script calls the powershell.…
viewshelp with bat scripts
I have a script for separating csv files, what the script does and open the file and model the columns, would like to know what I can change in this script to create a last column and repeat in the…
viewsCan anyone explain what that expression is for and how to use it?
I would like to copy more recent files from one directory to another. But besides being the mais recente (data de criação) I have other conditions for copying: Start with "Relatório Financeiro"…
viewsI need help creating a bat to send SAPLOGON.ini file
I need help creating a bat to send SAPLOGON.ini file for all users, with profile created on the computer. This is my bat code, I need to help I want to send to all users, at once. see below: @ECHO…
viewsWhat are the differences between using a . txt and . bat file in python?
I am looking for practical and simple ways to save information in a separate file, that even after the closing of the (in python) the information is not lost. And there was a question,…
viewsBatch programming
I would like to make a batch that does the following count: Read the source file: 7895537000011 7895537000028 7895537000035 7895537000042 7895537000059 7895537000066 7895537000011 7895537000011…
viewsWhat is Batch Script?
I started studying about Batch and a question arose in my head about whether or not he was one programming language. I did a search on the internet on this subject and some people say no, others say…
viewsA bat that copies a file to a folder named after it
Hello, I’m trying to create a bat that copies a file from a folder and creates a folder with the name of that file, and plays that file inside it but it’s not working very well and I need help @echo…
viewsDelete user folder via Access Denied script
Good afternoon! I am trying to run a script to delete all user folders in C: Users The script: Get-Childitem "C: Users" -recurse -Include . | Where-Object {$_. psIsContainer -eq $true} | remove-item…
viewsCould someone explain this batch code to me?
Could someone explain this code to me? I know what this is about, but I can’t apply it. for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%A in ('wmic baseboard get serialnumber /value ^| find /i "SerialNumber="') do…
viewshow to create a . bat that creates another . bat with more than one command?
i want to create a file . bat creating another file . bat, but when I try to create I can’t put more than one command. example: I have my test.bat file that will create another file called…
viewsHow to hide batch input (password)
How can I hide the password from entering/entering the batch when it runs? Because every time I run it appears the password when I type, to avoid being seen by someone. cls @echo off title Folder…
batchasked 4 years, 5 months ago antoniel cleyton 7 -
viewsSystem cannot find specified path
I am trying to create a script to configure Opengl in Dev-Cpp automatically. But I’m getting the message "the system can’t find the specified path". The file code . bat is this below: echo off cls…
viewsWhat are the batch commands/variables. Example [%username% or %groupname%]
How to get more information about variables of this same type/model? Is there any publication (link) with more information related to these variables? I need to get as much information from the…